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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: userjosh5368 on February 14, 2007, 02:22:35 pm

Title: Talking Moongate?
Post by: userjosh5368 on February 14, 2007, 02:22:35 pm
Well i was just bored speaking to some blue who was a Necro mancer and well a moongate talked how it work i don't know its just a UO:ML bug i think or *Shrugs*


Title: Re: Talking Moongate?
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on February 14, 2007, 02:29:22 pm
They're going to destroy a couple of moongates so that everyone will be forced to become mages.

Title: Re: Talking Moongate?
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:14:17 pm
That or prevent cross realm (trammel/fel/ish) gatting and make stones again... you shoulda seen the mass migrations... couldnt go 2 tiels without winding up in fel then right back in tram then fel then tram.... over and over again..... twas helll and many a newbie died in those days. ganked by going through a portal , tis why they now say.. sometimes anyway "are you sure you wish to use this portal" *nods* i was here for that AND the great housing boom of 2001 !!! or 2000...... something liek that!! and the housing boom was HELL too... go 2 tiles hit house.... go around.. go 2 iles hit house... go maybe 1 screen due to dense trees.. yay im.. BAM.. oh shit a house.... and they were mostly log cabins and freaking tiny tiny houses!! Hah! bet alot of you is like "whats a log cabin??" twasnt always customizable stuff lads and lasses!!

*note this got babbly and um though i been around for like 66 months or sumthing.. I still have to ask relativly new people what the hells going on all the time!!*

Title: Re: Talking Moongate?
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on February 15, 2007, 05:16:23 pm
I've been around since Beta, junior!
Back when double clicking a tool resulted in 2mins lag before anything happened. :D

Title: Re: Talking Moongate?
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 15, 2007, 05:45:33 pm
OMG!!! An OLD one!! Teach me everything Obi wan!!