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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:26:33 pm

Title: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:26:33 pm
Hmm well I play both UO and WoW. I use my newest desktop and it plays WoW witch has 6 million online smoothly but UO with only 150K most of them being japanese on japanese servers and I still lag up like a mofo. walking i'm ok, but combat adn running is not good for me. There was a time when i could ride on a horse and it was smooth sailing galloping from yew to trinsic... and that was like all of 5 minutes, not to do it  with my lag it would take like 15 or more minutes to do. I;m wondering if I missed something about graphic card requirments or is this being caused by the  "copy and paste" technique used to get 2D and 3D elements to blend together in game??  Does anyone else experience this fault with a good connection? and do  you think KR will solve  the graphics issues.. other than meaning we all have to buy new super computers to run UO?? oh and does KR let you keep your old characters? or is it like a NEW game completly??

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Khaelieth on February 14, 2007, 03:30:01 pm
Dyril... Did you even read the UO's stuff on UO:KR? You'll find a lot of answers there=)

Not played UO since early January, so I wouldn't know. I say uninstall that-which-must-not-be-named and pour holy water onto the computer. That should solve it.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on February 14, 2007, 03:30:33 pm
I got heavy lag of the extreme sort just a few days ago when fighting. Not sure what the deal is, I obviously blamed my computer as I always do.

I'm pretty sure UOKR is just a graphic change and not a total reset of the game.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:35:07 pm
Well ladies and gents i use government owned computers mostly as of late.. havnt been able to read a damned thing on UO:KR. and the lag things been going on forever, though i had thought with the new desktop that I managed to get logged on with at a friends would have fixed past problems, and with a new UO disk and all... problem not solved and yea im in the dark on UO:KR thanks to governemtn paranoia on any web site that says "game" i cant get to any UO related sites, including stratics. I can get here though :D damn you government technology guys who block web sites!! damn you!!!

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Delcarakdur on February 14, 2007, 03:37:21 pm
I would point at the Copy paste techinique as the obvious miscreant here. I can't really see what should pose a problem...I mean I can play BF 2 with almost no lag...But it disconnects me from the UO servers and also gives me a horrid lag at times...

I think they should rebuild that game from the scratch again frankly, Not changing anything, but giving the whole shizzle a unified structure.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Delcarakdur on February 14, 2007, 03:38:09 pm
PS Dyril...INstall Mozilla...Bet they haven't blocked that one ;P

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Khaelieth on February 14, 2007, 03:44:46 pm
Does your government block www.uo.com?!

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:45:07 pm
um Mozilla? heh They track what I DL to these systems and DL a "foreign" program could get me f**ked up. and have my meager security clearances revoked :( but i will check out this Mozilla... have to find it firstly

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:46:12 pm
Well the Chair Force ... usually and incorectly refered to as the Air Force. has control of this network and UO.com IS blocked!! Stratics is blocked its all blocked!! but imma try this Mozilla thingy.....

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 03:50:03 pm
Hey Delc... how safe is this mozilla thing?? like virus contraction wise?? If i let one of these compt get bugged i would so be in the shit can dood

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Khaelieth on February 14, 2007, 04:01:03 pm
Well the Chair Force ... usually and incorectly refered to as the Air Force. has control of this network and UO.com IS blocked!! Stratics is blocked its all blocked!! but imma try this Mozilla thingy.....

UO.com - where all terrorists congregate.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Shadwell on February 14, 2007, 04:20:26 pm
It's probably your connection to the Europa server wich is located somewhere in Ye Old Worlde.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Delcarakdur on February 14, 2007, 04:34:26 pm
Mozilla is a free web browser, widely regarded as much safer and better to use than Internet Explorer from Windows.

Here is a download link, from CNet's excellent Download.com site. I'd be much surprised if they have that site blocked.
http://www.download.com/Mozilla-Firefox/3000-2356_4-10620330.html?tag=lst-0-1 (http://www.download.com/Mozilla-Firefox/3000-2356_4-10620330.html?tag=lst-0-1)

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 04:35:54 pm
nah nothing with the shard, my home shard of atlantic didnt work well and neither does great lakes or any other even back when I was in the states using the servers for the states// ive even tried the serer that is on my time zone here and its SLOW like all others in the same ways... the problem is nothing new for me... jsut bothered me that my new desktop was slow running it

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 04:37:18 pm
Mozilla is a free web browser, widely regarded as much safer and better to use than Internet Explorer from Windows.

Here is a download link, from CNet's excellent Download.com site. I'd be much surprised if they have that site blocked.
http://www.download.com/Mozilla-Firefox/3000-2356_4-10620330.html?tag=lst-0-1 (http://www.download.com/Mozilla-Firefox/3000-2356_4-10620330.html?tag=lst-0-1)

oooh ACCESS DENIED!!! but i found another way in hehe the moziilla .org site

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 05:11:51 pm
We'll i'll be deep sixed... Mozilla, i DL it then started it and boom access denied to mozillas start page and cant search shit....... damn you chair force!!

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 05:20:18 pm
Dyril... Did you even read the UO's stuff on UO:KR? You'll find a lot of answers there=)

Not played UO since early January, so I wouldn't know. I say uninstall that-which-must-not-be-named and pour holy water onto the computer. That should solve it.

eh since im all blocked, il lgo get onine at the library!! thye dont block nothing.. and I do mean nothing ;)

Was logged on yesterday, even started my new character n.n;; gotta love lap tops and free client DL of UO:ML teehee but yea ill check everything out today when i get off work... at like 8 AM ... oiy! 5 hours to go too!!

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Garak Nightchill on February 14, 2007, 08:50:41 pm
UO usually appears laggier than newer games, thus can be for several reasons.

A lot of the 3D games don't appear as laggy but that can be because you don't immediately notice the lag i.e you could be disconnected suddenly but can still 'move around' for a few seconds before you notice the connection has stopped.

Your bank box/inventory can make you laggy if there's a lot of stuff in them.  The bank box is actually just like the inventory - you carry it around with you, the big difference is that it can only be accessed in certain area (i.e the bank obviously).

UO is very dynamic.  WoW and the like are generally very 'empty' games, as in a tree is just a graphical blob.  In UO trees, rocks etc contain 'properties' i.e each tree contains a variable determining if lumber can be harvested.  I think this also adds to the lag, not sure though.

Old network code.  Sadly, the 2D engine is 10 years old.  Hopefully the new engine will have optimised code.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 11:43:29 pm
good points garak, I had forgot about the complexities.... and Im not being Facisious.

UO may have a very VERY out of date graphics engine and codding system but it contains a depth not found in many games today... and i think thats why ive been at it for sooo darned long.. that and frequent mont hlong breaks in which i dont place at all... im going on about 3 months now .. well I've been logged in once and a while here and there but not for long.

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: qom_riyadh on February 15, 2007, 07:00:26 am
try this - www.browseatwork.com

although it doesn't get images :(

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Samuel West on February 15, 2007, 12:04:58 pm
I tried Mozilla Firefox, it won't let me log into the forums

Edit: Never mind

Title: Re: A question of performance
Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 15, 2007, 03:28:18 pm
try this - www.browseatwork.com

although it doesn't get images :(

ACCESS DENIED!!!! lol nothing works!! Damn the Information Technoligists!