Title: Apprentice Task: Arel Mortan Post by: Raiden Morana on February 15, 2007, 08:35:43 am Right lass, our first meeting was a bit like the blind leading the blind *coughs* if ye know what i mean.
What we need is a set of hand signals that cover the army's basic orders. This being so and the fact that ye can write fairly well I want yer to create a manual describing these signals so that ye can better understand what is going on around ye. I want yer to concentrate on signals for the following: Arm Up Ready Arms Form Trackers Line Target Charge At Ease Write a report outlining your progress and listing the signals below as well as a manual that we can get the scribes to copy for the other guardsmen. Then seek me out so we can practice these signals and put them to some use. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |