Title: [TOMORROW] Archer Guild Hunt! Saturday the 17th of February 2007 at 2000 GMT Post by: Delcarakdur on February 15, 2007, 06:13:54 pm Arkay's Archer Guild - Hunt:
When: Saturday the 17th of February 2007 at 2000 GMT Where: Gather outside the barracks Equipment: Combat kit! We shall head out to the Ophidian castle tomorrow, in order to raise funds for Arkay's Archer's Guild! This will be a most challenging task Goals and guidelines: * Raise at least 30.000 coins during this hunt * At least two other AA Guild members will accompany you on this task * Include as many other guardsmen as you like I really hope we can get a good turnout here! *signed* Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: [CANCELLED!!] Archer Guild Hunt! Friday the 16th of February 2007 at 2000 GM Post by: Delcarakdur on February 16, 2007, 08:29:43 pm Damn buggers won't show up. Then I won't host a crappy hunt. Only Dalamar, Thomas, Smudrud and Falconheart showed up. I expected at least twice the number.
Try to make an effort folks...If this repeats itself tomorrow, then this hunt is off the hook. *signed* Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: [TOMORROW] Archer Guild Hunt! Saturday the 17th of February 2007 at 2000 GMT Post by: Smudrud on February 16, 2007, 11:07:32 pm Show up tomorrow you's sissy's that wasn't there!
(OOC: It was at friday eve->night, not the smartest time to lead a hunt if you want many people tp join :P) |