Title: Jack Sinist Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on February 18, 2007, 09:19:36 pm (http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2766/941959169mgm3.jpg) Full Name: Jack "The Sinister" Jeckel Age: 19 Ladies and Gentlemen! A major greeting. Your keeper of wickedry, The path to Shangri-La, is missled by he, misled by you. He is of your negativity, he is of your hate Meet the other half of the jugglin duo, That is your soul The amazing Jack Jeckel! Jake and Jack are one-egg twins and share a special bond. Jack was born one minute after his brother Jake. However different they are, their bond let them know everything about each other, and grow an incredible understanding for the other. They where born and raised in Britain; But unlike his brother Jake, Jack spent most of his days gambling, stealing, whoring and committing an occasional murder. Jack's mother loved her son, but wanted him to stray from the path of hate and make him into a disciplined young man. She had her husband to make contact with his half brother, Jack's uncle, to make him at home in the Covian army. And so, at the meere age of 14, Jack joined the Covian Military. Jack is a bringer of hate. As a cynic, he sees only the worst in a person, and is not late to try to exploit that. Attempts to find the deepest root of evil within a man, find the most evil of sins, and of deepest of concern he feeds. Jack is un-compasionate, making people angry and hateful. Negativity spreading, he makes people feel miserable and dangerous. "All good deeds are born from evil intent" - Jack Sinist |