Title: Fun and Games at the Savage fort ( Compassion ) Post by: Marcus / Straeban on February 20, 2007, 04:48:50 pm Fun and Games at the Savage Fort
Led By: Junior Grenadier: Redgar Attended By: Senior Guardsman: Erik Arkay Dragoon Sergeant: Hoagie Senior Dragoon: Joey Lanei Senior Guardsman: Demarian Tel'var Guardsman Recruit: Jake Just Guardsman Recruit: Brandy Arrowsnap Watchman: Marcus After gathering at the Barracks we formed a Tactical and Junior Redgar then explaimed what it was we were going to be doing. We then were ordered to form at the Compassion Moongate where we will be paired off into teams of two. Senior Arkay and I were paired off and the others I dont remember how or who they were paired off with were then told to head to the Savage Fort. We headed to the fort where we were then told to line up. A few moment later we were ordered to begin. Senior Arkay and I ran off towards the Fort slinging bolts into anything that moved with a mask on. We fought and fought and fought. One after another they fell from our steady volley of bolts of power. Senior Arkay and I move dillagently and with care for the bloodi Shawman there was none too happy to see us and they would release a volley of magics upon us. The others tried as hard as they could to take what we earned at every chance they got, some was a success and some was a failure. After a while we were then ordered to gather where we started to show off our finds. But in the end Senior Arkay and I had won the Game with a wopping stack that out matched all the others. We then were ordered to gather back at the Barracks so that the winners could be given the First place Prise of 20,000 coins apeace. After the prizes were handed out we were then Dissmissed. Signed: Watchman: Marcus [OOC:] Sorry that there were no pics, I did tell him that I could not take any at the time for my program would not load. Working on getting it fixed. Title: Re: Fun and Games at the Savage fort ( Compassion ) Post by: Regdar Le Faye on February 20, 2007, 05:01:02 pm Grand report, Marcus, even if it is pictureless!
Congratulations on winning, too! *Signed* Junior Grenadier, Regdar Le'Faye Title: Re: Fun and Games at the Savage fort ( Compassion ) Post by: qom_riyadh on February 21, 2007, 06:52:15 am [OOC]UO Screenshot (http://www.hh.iij4u.or.jp/~kmatuoka/uosu/indexe.html) - small, fast, simple - and so small that if it won't run on your box, better dump it![/OOC]