Title: Talent and Fancy Dress in Cove! Post by: Kelly Sanderson on February 23, 2007, 03:17:15 pm Yesterday night I decided to set up a fancy dress and talent contest in Cove Town at 9:30. Cove was relatively quiet yesterday, and I invited Vesper and other folks to come along for some free rum and laughs. There was a stage-like arena put in the middle for the talent contest and we had quite a few people who wanted to take part. These people were as follows:
Gwen - Someone who does not live around Cove, but she got her nerves together and told us a grand story. Claire - A young girl who dressed as a pirate, and she sang us a very sweet song. Tibby - In my opinion, the best act. Thoroughly enjoyable, apart from the brawling with the Vesper folk. Kurt - Told us a story (I think, I had to go sort some more seating for the Vesperian folk at that point), but my judges seemed to enjoy it. Arius - This was the man that Tibby decided to quite amusingly hurl verbal and physical abuse at. He told us a joke that I have put in a painting below. Hugo (AKA Keiran Vale) - Another hilarious act. I shall not go into detail for the sakes of the Church. But it involved a fair amount of "cutting the cheese". Drisda - The winner of the talent contest! The last person to perform, who sang a song about lots of crude and rude things. The judges approved of this. (http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/6628/myeventht0.jpg) I awarded thirty thousand gold to the winner. After the talent contest, all the fancy dressers gathered in the arena and people (mainly the Vesper folk) voted who's outfit they thought was best. We had some random naked man (apart from an apron) in there for whatever reason, and the Lord Protector, also known as Mela, voted this man the best dresser. We also had a little trouble with a REAL undead who thought it would be oh-so-funny to pretend he was PRETENDING to be an Undead. The Vesper folk were not fooled. Overall, the Polar Bear Woman - Or Eve - had the best costume. She stated that it was because she was lacking clothes in some places. But it was quite a good costume. I awarded Eve thirty thousand crowns also! After the winners had been announced, everyone was invited to the Green Goblin for further drinks. I hope you all enjoyed the evening! Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Regular Scout. Title: Re: Talent and Fancy Dress in Cove! Post by: John Dell on February 23, 2007, 04:02:36 pm 'Oi Oi. Tibby Tibby! Tha' was well fun, wasn't it? Eh!?'
Title: Re: Talent and Fancy Dress in Cove! Post by: Shadwell on February 23, 2007, 11:32:11 pm Bwahahah! Ogre fondler!