Title: Justice in Loerdell! Post by: Shadwell on December 16, 2004, 12:09:47 am *you find a huge poster hanged on the Barracks and Tavern wall*
Hail, Citizens of Cove. Tonight after the cowardly attempt on the our great baron's life, JUSTICE was done. The mighty militia of Cove gathered and set off to the source of this EVIL. Soon our brave men found the corrupted village of Loerdell, where creatures of the night walk freely! Many tried to stop us. Lead by Sir Hugo of the Church of Cove many a infidel was slain! (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/gallery/albums/userpics/10010/Burn1-3.jpg) This place of unholy worships burns with rightiouss fury! Let this be a lesson for anyone who might wish us harm. Cove always pays back. *signed* The Covian Militia. |