Title: (Completed) Attention all ye Citizen Crafters of Cove! Post by: Eve Thenasa on February 24, 2007, 01:19:43 pm Attention all ye Citizen Crafters of Cove! Covian Citizens are famed throughout the lands for their fine quality weapons, armour, and clothing, but ye are not just limited to crafting items such as these! I require ye to craft some of thy finest wears, and I will escort ye, with other guardsman, to the city of Trinsic, with a view to selling them. The good people of Trinsic will expect to see samples of thy wares, so we shall be using a pack horse or two, to safely store the items during our trip. To all ye who are keen to make a name for thyself, and whom can finely craft and wish to sell further afield, please sign thy name below, and demonstrate thy craft, by showing me what fine wears ye have to sell the people of Trinsic. *signed* Eve, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Attention all ye Citizen Crafters of Cove! Post by: qom_riyadh on February 24, 2007, 01:31:12 pm On behalf of the Toothpick And Loveseat Woodworks I'm willing to join such enterprise.
I can offer a wide range of Please let me know about date and time of this trip. Title: Re: Attention all ye Citizen Crafters of Cove! Post by: Teagan Grayner on February 24, 2007, 04:05:42 pm I'll come along, it can't hurt! When will this be?
Title: Re: Attention all ye Citizen Crafters of Cove! Post by: Raiden Morana on February 27, 2007, 01:49:14 pm I, Amon Jarl would be honoured to assist you with this task Miss Eve.
Not that the Trinsicans deserve such fine wares as mine... Perhaps I will peddle my offcuts there. *signed flamboyantly* Amon Jarl, Burgher. |