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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Salidin on February 24, 2007, 01:52:23 pm

Title: Sentry on Minoc Gate
Post by: Salidin on February 24, 2007, 01:52:23 pm
Sentry on Minoc Gate

Commanding Officer: Salidin Regular Grenadier

Guardsmen in attendance:
Hoagie Senior Dragoon
Mela Arcky Corporal Scout
Jake Just Recruit
Jack Sinister Regular
Eve Junior Grenadier

We set out at dawn for a sentry at the minoc gate we got to the gate and cleared the area of people i  ordered hoagie to create the Sentry and the rest to go out and collect hides and wood to built it we all set about our jobs in fine spirits i was luck enough to have under my command Eve a fine Grenadier who was doing her job and duties in a fine fashion
After we was all set up we took positions and stood on guard it was a very quiet night we sang some great songs  and then day broke and we all returned home

Regular Grenadier