Title: Conan's hunt to search crocodiles Post by: Dalamar on February 25, 2007, 08:50:08 pm Leading: Conan Darkmoon, Regular Grenadier
Attending: Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Dalamar, Regular Scout Keiran Vale, Surgeon Markus, Watchman Jake Just, Guardsman recruit Mela Arkay, Light comppany Sergeant Demarian Tel'var, Senior Guardsman Conan wanted to study crocodiles, don’t know why, so he led us to the Humility moongate. Once we got to moongate Conan told us that we musn’t kill crocodiles, more like to watch them and see how they behave in their natural habitat. We headed souht from the moongate in our search for crocodile. When we finaly found one, sergeant Arkay came and shot it. It’s easy to belive how angry Conan was from this, but he calmed ordered us to continue our search towards south. (http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/6307/conan1bq3.jpg) After short walk we arrived to wooden wall, which seemed been build by orcs. Atleast the way skulls and bones were spreaded around it indicated so. Conan wanted sergeant Mela to build up sentry to the gate meanwhile, he, Keiran and I ventured deeper to swamps in our search for the crocodile. We searched the entire swamp but we couldn’t find any trace of crocodiles. But Conan noticed that there was something different in lizardmen we fought compared to those found in despise. Teehts? of those lizardmen were more crocodile like than normaly. Conan thinked that perhaps they were evolved from crocodiles. (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/7220/conan2co5.jpg) We continued our search and found huge green lizzard. Conan wanted to examine it more so we didn’t kill it. Keiran and Conan came to conclusion that it must be some sort of dragon due the scales it has. As they were more like dragon scales than crocodiles. (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/9673/conan3wg8.jpg) After some time Conan wanted to try one last time to find crocodile, but instead we found huge slime that devoured anything it touched. Conan and I charged on it and finaly we managed to stop it, but while we had fought against it, it had multplyed to two smaller ones. Took us sometime to knock the two new down, but we did it eventualy. After that we headed to sentry sergeant Mela was building. Conan told us that hunt was succsess and we headed back home. *Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Regular scout Title: Re: Conan's hunt to search crocodiles Post by: Conan Darkmoon on February 25, 2007, 10:05:00 pm An excellent report Dalamar.
*Signed* Conan Darkmoon |