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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Falconheart on March 06, 2007, 05:04:39 pm

Title: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Falconheart on March 06, 2007, 05:04:39 pm
Sentry at the barracks

In command John Dell, Junior Guardsman
Erik Akay, Senior Guardsman
Amy, Watchman
Mela Arkay, Scout Sargeant
Vince Valentine , Grenadier Sargeant
Falconheart, Watchman
Evan Anne Rett, Commoner

Due to the fact that during this sentry alot of philosophing has been done I might have forgot one or two...please forgive me!

John Dell decided for a quick sentry at the barracks. We came there an instantly proceeden with this task...Problem was...we nay had enough building materials...so we decided to make our own materials.
I had more wounds then after a brawl with the yewish! A saw nay be a fitting tool of choice for a guardsman!
Well we did manage in one way or another............more like in “another”




While we where discussing our craftsman abilities Senior guardsman Erik decided to check his eye lids for pinholes



Grenadier Sargeant Vince Valentince decided to apply the “pie procedure” on Erik Akayas he was checking his ye know...... Of course I asked about this procedure...well I didnt get an answer


What the hell is the pie procedure?


While we where standing there some of the guardsman thought it would be nice to philosophy in a Covian manner


One obviosly did not want to philosophy


And between this philosophing I was asking myself the same ole question:


 A very special form of philosophy...well actually more of socializing


and again some agree some dont


Erik Akay elaborating with Mela Arkay about different and diverse forms of philosophy


some where even “self sozializing”


and in between I was asking myself...............


Then Seniour Guardsman Erik Akay and Scout Sargeant Mela Akay decided to leave our lil ole discussion round to probably do some other sozialization


Well that was our sentry at the baracks...oh wait I almost forgot we did encounter some turd bandits and a fellow named James Morris who decided to pick a fight with Junior Guardsman John Dell


Well John Dell managed to take this James Morris prisoner who by the way had alot of concealed weopons on him...erm come to think of it what was his part in our discussion? *shruggs*


Well this was our sentry at the barracks...which leads to one question on all of ye. What the hell is the pie procedure!!!!

*signed* Falconheart, Watchman

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: John Dell on March 06, 2007, 05:24:27 pm
(OOC: Good stuff my man!)

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Hoagie on March 06, 2007, 05:31:33 pm
*Squints at the list of names with a frown*

I was there, Watchman!


Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Vince Valentine on March 06, 2007, 07:16:58 pm
Nicely written watchman.

Indeed, any Covian worth his salt know's of the infamous pie procedure.
Keep up the good work.

   Vince Valentine
 Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Falconheart on March 07, 2007, 05:03:11 pm
*Squints at the list of names with a frown*

I was there, Watchman!


My apologies Captain Hoagie! *salutes firmly*

*signed* Falconheart,Watchman

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Marcus Kobra on March 07, 2007, 05:25:19 pm
(OOC: as usual another good report! and entertaining to say the least! ... "American Pie" *shudders* better not try the "pie procedure" on me!! *waggles eyebrows menacingly*

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on March 08, 2007, 12:50:08 am
An excellent report, Watchman! Keep up the grand work!

Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Regular Scout.

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on March 08, 2007, 12:55:38 am
OOC:  The more pictures, the better. GOOD WORK!

Title: Re: A sentry at the barracks
Post by: Smudrud on March 08, 2007, 11:04:46 pm

OOC: Good Work, I agree with the others about the report being better with a lot of scetches, though i think you can cut them a bit next time...Keep Up! ;D