Title: Training held by Kelly Post by: Dalamar on March 08, 2007, 06:47:32 pm Leading: Kelly, Regular Scout
Attending: Dalamar, Regular Scout Auron, guardsman recruit Alkerin Oederys, guardsman recruit Kelly called me to join training she was going to held for two recruits. So I decided to join the line. And didn’t take long that she already asked what we were doing. Took some time to understand what she meant but a recruit soon figured it out and said we are standing in a line. She made us practise basic formations like, Form and Trackers line. (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4158/kellypz9.jpg) Quickly drawn scetches from Kelly's training We also practised basic commands of Parade. Turning to left and right, about face and face front. In the end Kelly told recruits that they can freely attack me and take me down... seems she didn’t know that they would have no change... or did she? *Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Regular Scout Title: Re: Training held by Kelly Post by: Kelly Sanderson on March 08, 2007, 07:10:17 pm 'Ey 'ey 'ey! Those recruits have potential! They knew almost everything I was trying to "teach" them, and they're really new recruits, too! I thought they might JUST be able to take you down, but apparently not. After all, Dalamar, you ARE a scout.
Grand report, anyway! Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Regular Scout. Title: Re: Training held by Kelly Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on March 08, 2007, 08:42:35 pm *Jack walks past the post and mutters to himself*
'Blind leading the blind..' Title: Re: Training held by Kelly Post by: Smudrud on March 08, 2007, 10:31:24 pm |