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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Dughal MacAoidh on March 11, 2007, 12:25:47 am

Title: Ingots and arms for Cove militia:
Post by: Dughal MacAoidh on March 11, 2007, 12:25:47 am




Title: Re: Ingots and arms for Cove militia:
Post by: Vince Valentine on March 11, 2007, 03:06:40 am
Ahh ingots for the and arms eh?
An army can't function without them!

A fine start for our one of our newer citizens eh?
A grand effort!

[OOC: I've sent you a PM bud, with a couple of tips on posting reports and such ;) )

80 Shillings awarded - Amended

Title: Re: Ingots and arms for Cove militia:
Post by: Dughal MacAoidh on March 11, 2007, 04:54:01 am

thank you for your info.
it was an immense help as you can see.
still need practice though.
and sorry about the wrong area thing. ill get it next time.

Title: Re: Ingots and arms for Cove militia:
Post by: Vince Valentine on March 11, 2007, 05:35:57 am
Arr perfect!

Good job indeed, Now I read it thouroughly, I see you had quite the job getting everything together. i've amended the shillings awarded accordingly.

Keep up the good work Citizen, for surely our fine army relies on our fine citizens.

  Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant