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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on March 12, 2007, 01:20:19 pm

Title: Grenadier Trial: Feraz
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 12, 2007, 01:20:19 pm
Feraz eh? Looks a little older and the hair has a little more silver than I remember. A damn fine guardsman though, from the same mould as Ahmed and Greystone.

Well if he wants to wear the famed bronze arms as those two Covian heroes did... He'll have to earn them.

Greetings Junior Feraz,

Here are your trials, go earn those arms!

Part One:

With the recent influx of new recruits, it would seem our ranks are looking rather healthy. This is no reason to sit back and become lax on recruitment, as I'm sure you'll agree!

You are to organise a Recruitment parade to the city of Britain. An outpost should be constructed, and leaflets distributed to the fair citizens gathered there. In addition to this, you shall be required to do three recruitment runs, each seeing you drop at least ten leaflets and runes, as well as our fine Covian flag. You may choose these locations as you see fit, but do try to mix them up a little. A change is as good as a rest eh?


There must be at least four other guardsmen on your recruitment parade.

The leaflet drops should be done as normal recruitment drops, each being done as a seperate trip. You may do these alone.

A full report of each run, and the parade itself, should be posted in this thread.

Part Two:

Lead a squad of Grenadiers/aspiring Grenadiers on a Brotherhood hunt to their favourite haunt, Ice dungeon.

Make this mission a real display of Grenadier prowess by slaying an artic ogre lord, a white wyrm and an ice fiend! Let's show some swagger!


There must be at least four other Grenadiers/aspiring Grenadiers on the hunt.

Post a full report with paintings in this thread.

Part Three

Although the Grenadiers are a mixed unit again it is their famed heater shields that tell them apart in the heat of battle. Lead a training session focusing on the art of shieldfighting.


At least four other guardsmen must attend this training (this is an RP training in the use of shields in combat).

Post a full report of the training session in this thread.

Once these tasks are complete you must swear fealty to the Baron and your fellow Grenadiers by taking the Baron's Oath.

Good luck!


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.