Title: Donkey vs. Llama Drow Hunt Report Post by: Raiden Morana on March 13, 2007, 10:32:28 pm Attended by:
Team Llama Raiden, Grenadier Corporal (leading) Vince, Grenadier Sergeant Demarian, Senior Grenadier Kurt, Regular Dragoon Snudrud, Watchman Kal, Church Servant Team Donkey Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Joey, Senior Dragoon Nicholi, Regular Dragoon Thomas, Regular Dragoon Flina, Junior Dragoon We rallied at the barracks before heading out to the dungeon Despise. Once there i went through the drow hunt rules... such as "unless you are using a two handed weapon you must equip a torch and not a shield!" Some late comers met up with us at Despise to swell the hunts numbers and the Dragoons present at the time seemed to pick their own team... Fair enough a mixed unit of Grenadiers, Goblins, Church Servants and Regular Dragoon Kurt would surely be no match for the rest *coughs* Each team set up their bases on the level where lizardmen dwell. The plan was easy... slay the lizards, take their gold, skin the buggers and stash it all in your base! "When i sound the horn you may engage the other team *thwack* no Joey... *thwack* attack when i give the... Thomas!*thwack* bugger it attack!" (http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/2576/donkeyllamasu4.jpg) The battle raged! It was carnage! "Equip your torch not a shield you infidel! Gah!" The contest swayed one way and the other and some cheeky bloodeh lizardman killed meh llama! *sobs* Once we had fought ourselves to a standstill i called a cease to hostilities and we lined up outside to count up the loot! Team Llama: 790 hides *coughs* & 5331 coins Team Donkey: 1,246 hides & 4753 coins Now on balance it could be argued that Team Llama was victorious having collected 6,121 individual items to Team Donkey's 5,999 *clears throat* But credit where credit is due... it was a close affair but i declared, even in light of some dubious tactics...TEAM DONKEY THE WINNERS! With a hearty well done to everyone who took part! All the loot and resources went into the coffers: Gold: 10,084 Spined Leather: 2,036 *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Donkey vs. Llama Drow Hunt Report Post by: Samuel West on March 13, 2007, 11:04:03 pm Dubious tactics! What do you mean, those are registered Dragoon tactics...
Title: Re: Donkey vs. Llama Drow Hunt Report Post by: Vince Valentine on March 14, 2007, 09:43:08 am Good stuff indeed!
Remember, the question is not 'Did we win?', it's 'did we swagger?' And by george, we swaggered! Well done to all that attended. *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Donkey vs. Llama Drow Hunt Report Post by: userjosh5368 on March 14, 2007, 10:56:00 am Aye we did' Swagger and T'was a good laugh' if yer ask me it'! Fine work red team'! An we slayed tha' bugga lizard's good aye!