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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: userjosh5368 on March 14, 2007, 11:24:38 am

Title: Bringing the Drow hunt spoils back home'!
Post by: userjosh5368 on March 14, 2007, 11:24:38 am

Demarian Tel'var
Kal Shadowhand

Well i hate' wycthes' so after some wycth to open me a wycthery portal or whatever it is they do', i said screw it and wen't for a trek back to cove' with the famed Larma Sammy' after not venturin' to far me good friend Kal caght up with me' and so we headed back to Cove' having a talk about the old' times and killin' some of em heathenous creatures'! Yer know em black cat's bephomet' spawn i say' and we saw what we though was Grief at first but it tunred out to be a monkey It' was just are imagination's aye, but ah well off we went , past the Desert North of Altmere, and obtain' some log's aye! They got' rather wet as it' was pourin' it down for are whole journey back yer see'

And after enterin' ALtmere what better to greet us them Brigand's i tell yer' Those 4th Altmere Dragoon's ain't doin a good' job of keepin the area safe'!
Right en' after dispatchin of' the ejit's fool's who think they can rob a Grenadier and a scout' Idiocy i tell yer all'!
We headed along the path and back ter the good old' town of cove' me and Kal went are seperate way's there as' ah needed to' place some stuff down *Nods*

The hides' log' and gold'! Seven hundred an fifty 'six hides',Five thousand gold an' ten log's Better than none eh'?

After placin it in the stores, i attended to a argument between Nicholi Peyton Raventhorn and Conan Darkmoon, after teachin them a lesson in how they need to work to gether' after some harsh word's with each other' i went for a small campin trip to Greendale.

Senior Grenadier Tel'var of The barons own 1st regiment

Title: Re: Bringing the Drow hunt spoils back home'!
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 14, 2007, 01:02:49 pm

Good work getting the rest of the drow hunt loot back Dem'.

What with those extra 10 logs on top TEAM LLAMA is the WINNER I say! *grins*


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.

Title: Re: Bringing the Drow hunt spoils back home'!
Post by: Hoagie on March 14, 2007, 05:05:49 pm


