Title: [POSPONED]Kokuro-Undo, first course. Friday March 23rd, 2007 9pm GMT Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 16, 2007, 09:38:55 pm When:
Friday March 23rd, 2007 9pm GMT Where: Barracks Rooftop Bring: Bandages. This Course is Limited to Juniors and above. Kokuro-Undo is the building of the Warrior Spirit, and Iron Will. This will be a three part course, dealing with Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. Though, this course may be rough, it will be very helpful. [OOC: Sence this is heavily RP, it is limited to Juniors or above.] *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn On the Behalf of Hanchi Inaba Ittetsu Title: Re: [SOON]Kokuro-Undo, first course. Friday March 23rd, 2007 9pm GMT Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 23, 2007, 08:08:05 pm [OOC:]I'm sorry, but I've been called into work tonight to cover for a friend who's called sick. This will be posponed until Monday.[/OOC]
Title: Re: [POSPONED]Kokuro-Undo, first course. Friday March 23rd, 2007 9pm GMT Post by: Samuel West on March 23, 2007, 08:47:43 pm OOC:Damn it!