Title: Barrack Sentry Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on March 17, 2007, 12:55:35 am In Attendance:
Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie Regular Dragoon Kurt Regular Dragoon Nicholi Regular Scout Dalamar Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist (lead) Junior Dragoon Flina Trix Guardsman Recruit James While guiding our newest recruit around Cove something suspicious ran past several times, cackling wickedly! We decided to make our way towards the barracks and construct a sentry post. (http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/5788/sentryatbarracksqt4.jpg) Time went and nothing happened and I was ready to take the sentry down. But there it came! A thin silhouette could be seen as it charged at us. Waving randomly the brutish dragoons held ground. I called out a charge when it seemed to be less eager to charge. They came back apparently driven it off and a while later we took the sentry down. Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist |