Title: Report: Dark Wisps in the Lyceaum Post by: Garak Nightchill on March 24, 2007, 06:01:40 pm When: Monday 19th March
Where: Moonglow Led by: Garak Nightchill, Lieutenant Attended by: Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant With rumours filtering in about dark wisps having conquered the Moonglow Lyceaum, I decided to investigate. Knowing those wisps to be tricky little buggers, I decided to not risk a magical entry and elected to sail. Sergeant Hoagie was the only one able to attend, so we sailed there on the H.B.S Battleborn. We had some problems entering the Moonglow harbour as we were attacked by numerous water elementals. But we saw them off, and docked safely. We then marched to the Lyceaum and found dark wisps and flesh golems! There were a lot of others there fighting so after killing some of the wisps and flesh golems we sailed back to Cove. There appeared to be no problems with magic there. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/wisp.jpg) Signed, Garak Nightchill Lieutenant |