Title: A trip to the Cove orc fort! Post by: Maldraedior on April 07, 2007, 02:09:48 am Trip to the Cove orc fort.
7th of April. 01:30 CET. Cove. Commanding Officer: Jack Sinist Guardsmen in attendance: - Guardsman recruit - Maldraedior. - Guardsman recruit - Andrew - Guardsman recruit - Griggory Dumah. After some slacking around at the Barracks, Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist decided to test out myself, Andrew and Griggory's fighting skills, with taking us for a patrol to the Cove orc fort. Just a short moment after we reached the orc fort Gates - we met unusual strong orchish resistance. Our Commanding Officer was fast to call for the Form Up tactical formation and told us to keep our heads cool even while under pressure. A few moments and a lot of good teamwork later ... (http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2419/reportpic1cj8.png) All four of us was quite surprised by the orchish ambush - Of course Andrew said what everyone else was thinking ... (http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8893/reportpic2or6.png) After discussing the matter - our decision was to investigate this matter more closely, leading us into the depths of the orchish fort. We had no problems fighting our way into the fort, thanks to very good cross healing and coordinated attacks.. but the real challenge was right ahead of us, the orchish warchief and brute. (http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/1363/reportpic3sl9.png) Testing our cunning wits and steel against this foe was not a grand idea. Even though we put up a grand challenge for the warchieftain and his lackeys, there was no way we could win this battle. Some of us got knocked, I will not mention names of course, so the others had more than enough with getting their knocked comrades up on their feet and securing the tactical retreat. Even though the attack on the orchish leader failed - being able to escape with our lives still in-tact we considered ourselves lucky and fortunate. It could have gone a lot worse... (http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8838/reportpic4qk9.png) I learnt my lesson today at the Orc fort - next time I am going there, I would be sure to bring more guardsmen with us! Title: Re: A trip to the Cove orc fort! Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on April 07, 2007, 07:54:08 am Good report! Indeed, more meatshields next time!
Jack Sinist |