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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Gimbly on April 13, 2007, 08:50:41 am

Title: UO Defender
Post by: Gimbly on April 13, 2007, 08:50:41 am
Ya someone of you might know this funny game
A TD like clone only in UO-Style .. Hell got somehow addicted to it ;)

http://noxins.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1  (http://noxins.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1)

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 13, 2007, 08:51:54 am
That game is bloody brilliant!
I heard it'll soon come with a map editor too (which would rock my socks off).

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 13, 2007, 09:22:04 am
Roleplay dexers are identical to Grd trainees!!!

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 13, 2007, 09:49:03 am
(http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/1775/uo0656rn2.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)


Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on April 13, 2007, 10:34:34 pm
That screenshot only displays your poor quality Khae :)

I wanted to make a point so I made top score on the Yew Crossroads. Bloody scoreboard isn't updating fast enough or doest register everything though :(  I had 34000 something

Yew Crossroads are Covian held territory! Huhah!

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 13, 2007, 11:15:48 pm
Nah, I got a good score at the end, but that was my first game... I was like... WTF!?

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 14, 2007, 09:52:14 am
Bloody hell, how did you manage to do that?
My score never seems to come above 20k or something :S

Tactics, let's discuss tactics here! Share your visions?
(tbh, they are lacking the option to place Kasei somewhere on the field, that way 1 defender would stop everyone! *nods sagely*

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on April 14, 2007, 01:20:51 pm
Concentrate building around bottlenecks and turning-points obviously...Though I tend to use the existing squares unless forced otherwise. Price is usually too high

The biggest challenge is making sure that your BACK defenders are properly beefed up. If you build too strongly early in the stage your back defenders will never get beefups anymore. When the enemy then breaches your 'tough' defenders you've got nothing but crap behind.

I avoid building up too rapidly too as well....I prefer 6-7 guys with just the cheap 10 gold powerup over really powerhouses. It allows me to gauge if my current power is enough or if I need to make emergency upgrades or placements to squash the assault.

Things I like: 2 (3 max) Blue mages spread out evenly over my killing zones. All beefed up with specialty rather then general power. That slowdown really allows your powerful units to pound on attackers. No point having more then one at a killzone.
The boss stages are quite important I feel. I NEVER beef up my defences to kill them on the first pass. I get them on the second go easily. It only costs one life and if you beef up your defences in an attempt to get them you're overpowered for the coming stages...(overpowered = you loose points). Most important thing to realise is NOT to spend money unless you really have to. If you kill a mob where a large part of your defenders hasn't been used you probably spent too much money.

Things I don't like: All the advanced units. Haven't found a use for them. Simply too expensive.

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Samuel West on April 14, 2007, 06:37:33 pm
This game is strangely addictive...

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on April 14, 2007, 06:56:33 pm
Don't play Warcraft 3 TDs then if this is addictive to you :P

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Delcarakdur on April 14, 2007, 10:27:39 pm
Warcraft 3 TD is the shizzle...But this also rocks... ;)

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Amy Marsteller on April 15, 2007, 05:33:52 am
I can't get past wave 22.... I hate ogres

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 15, 2007, 06:59:37 am
I've got no problem getting through to the end, just getting a proper score.

I always start with two dexers and a blue mage at the end of the second bend on Yew Xroads, any other tactics?

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Gimbly on April 16, 2007, 08:01:55 am
Didnt get under top 10 yet but a good tip is to use blue mages, trained as specialists right before your dexxers
as they can slow them down and give the others more time to do some decent damage. In general i guess the key to top scores
are the proper use of the specialists  ;D

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 16, 2007, 10:28:36 am

I just put up two red mages before two dexers, then green mages and a blue specialist then had a mix of troops at the back

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on April 16, 2007, 10:16:31 pm
Keep your finishers at the back (red mages with generalisation and dexers with generalisation)
Don't put more then 2-3 blue mages in the field but put them both in specialisation
I put one green mage with specialization as high up as possible so they get plenty of poison ticks

Put a second block of 'damagers' further up north once your finishers are well established....But if you want to go for high scores....Don't spend money you don't have to

Title: Re: UO Defender
Post by: Khaelieth on April 21, 2007, 08:21:29 pm
I've got 27k points, anyone else up there?