Title: Recruit Cadre - 7.30pm GMT Tuesday 17/04/07 (COMPLETE) Post by: Raiden Morana on April 16, 2007, 06:43:20 pm What: Recruit Cadre
When: 7.30pm GMT Tuesday 17/04/07 Where: Parade Ground Let's see all you Recruits there! Even if you have already passed the Cadre help your fellows out by attending. Recruits yet to pass the Cadre: Celuvian Haap Griggory Dumah Douglas Kione Dinozzo Eadric Duvort Stein James Tony Daniels Maynard Skulk Auron Aldannar Kiet Echtaris Franek Ditriteous Alkerin... If yer still alive, attend! Miss it and miss out! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |