Title: Assault of Compassion: Wednesday 18th April 7pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on April 17, 2007, 01:00:58 pm When: Wednesday 18th April 7pm GMT
Where: Gather at the barracks What to bring: Full battle armour, weapons, bandages, provisions Hail Guardsmen, On our recent trip to the caverns of fire to tackle the horde of liches (Report pending) we gained possession of a musty old book that supossedly holds the secrets of the dark arts! Unfortunatly, it's written in lich or some such nonsense, so we shall require a few choice ingredients to decipher it. First on the list: The brain of a rotting corpse. I know, I know, it's disgusting, but I don't make the rules! We leave at the seventh hour, our destination, the abandoned hostel in Compassion. Lets see you battle ready and mean! *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |