Title: Watchman Trials: Amy Post by: Mela Arkay on April 18, 2007, 12:36:06 pm Leaning back in her comfy chair Mela shuffled through a huge wad of papers on her desk. Only one caught her eye, which she quickly pulled from the rest. 'Ahh, Amy needs her Watchman trials it seems.' Mela paused and sipped some tea from her mug before taking up her favourite quill and writing. Lifting the paper finally she below the ink dry. 'There, show us what your made of Marsteller.'
Watchman Trials: Amy Keeping it clean Recently we've been lacking a bit in our hunts so the dungeons beast population is again raising & I'm leaving it to you to give two dungeons a good cleaning out. Task:
(PVM based task) Keeping track When you finally become a Scout your tasks will include writing a list (with paintings) of set locations of all the beasts which roam. Recently the Covian desert (just passed Altmere) has been overrun with beasts. I'm not sure how long the beasts shall remain so you need to do this task quick. Task: Travel to Altmere desert on your own and make a list of the monsters which are currently present there. Include a painting of each beast. Conditions:
(Solo based task) That time of day And finally its time for a bit of fun for you and everyone else in Cove (and allies of course). I think at the end of completing the first two tasks you will have proved you can wield a weapon, lead & do paper work of sorts. But can you bring some fun to Cove? Task: Organize something fun for Cove & and its allies to join in together to create a closer relationship. Conditions:
(RP based task) Good luck Amy! And prove to us that you are ready to wear the honoured Covian cap. Any questions or problems you may contact me. Scout Sergeant, Mela.E.Arkay. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Amy Post by: Amy Marsteller on April 28, 2007, 09:40:02 am Task two:
Taking on the desert! Mmh, what fun for me... solo in a Desert. As to help keep alive over this expedition I packed several canteens of water, and travelled mostly at night, so that I will not feel the full strike of the sun. Though, in the night more creatures seem to roam. Here is a list of what creatures I have found, and documented. Creatures: *Big Scorpion *Lizard man *Troll *Ettin *Cyclopse *Enchanted Poison blob *Enchanted metals including (but not limited to): -Shadow Iron -Dull Copper -Gold -Verite -Valorite *Enchanted winds and sand. *Ogre *Titan *Harpy *Miscellaneous snakes (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3812/ettinsm2.jpg) (http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/6789/metalsnq0.jpg) (http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/839/ogretitanka4.jpg) (http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/7489/sandvortexbj4.jpg)(http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6784/scorpionwl2.jpg) (http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/1830/trollen7.jpg) Safe area: As I tracked through the desert... dodging certain death by random mobs of monsters I relized I hated the desert and figured the safest place would be at home with a ale. But, with lacking both home and ale in the desert I assumed I would have to find shelter. Throughout the desert there were a few places that inspired some hope as in survival... with my quickly emptying canteens I had to find water somewhere. Becuase I such a amazing person I found this ater right away. (must have been luck really) The water was a sort-of pond which must be fed by some sort of underground stream.... or something (for it was straight in the middle of the desert) But, it seemed the water was still. It is never a good idea to drink from still water unless it is a dire situation. But, if need be... it would be best to filter the water using a clean-tightly-woven cloth, like a bandage before drinking. (http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6271/watercu2.jpg) After the boost and morale from finding the water... I was inspired to find that "safe" place... (really it was I wanted to go home a grab a ale... but ehh) Searching over the mountains I couldn't spot any caves.. which would be ideal for shelter... if it were lacking snakes. With a lacking of caves... the best I could find was a small concaved area in the rock to the southeast of water hole, in which two sides of the mountain show as natural defenses. (http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/8436/safekn4.jpg) As it has a open face to all of the monsters I would not sleep there alone.. but if you must make sur you have a fire to drive monsters away. Also.. if you fear of snakes bang something against the rockface to create vibration. Snakes will flee from the vibrations. *Signed swiftly* Amy I. Marsteller Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Amy Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on April 28, 2007, 09:48:46 am Avatarian guidance surely. Good report Watchman, good indeed. Should have brought a water sample with you for further studies!
Jack Sinist Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Amy Post by: Mela Arkay on April 28, 2007, 06:41:02 pm Excellent work!