Title: Parade Drill - 18 april - Lead by John Dell Post by: Celuvian on April 18, 2007, 09:17:04 pm Lead by:
John Dell ~ Junior Guardsman Attended: Celuvian Haap ~ Guardsman Recruit Hoagie ~ Dragoon Sergeant Vince Valentine ~ Grenadier Sergeant Falconheart ~ Watchman Andrew ~ Guardsman Recruit Maldraedior ~ Guardsman Recruit Kelly ~ Officer Cadet (late joiner) Delcarakdur ~ Junior Guardsman (late joiner) This parade drill started out as any other parade drill. We lined up in front of the leader, John Dell and carried out our orders with Grace. (http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/6369/paradejointhg4.png) Shortly after our start we got an audience...It was Gregor Eason, he graced us with the sight of his buttocks! Yea thats right...he was Mooning us! (http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/4088/pamoonka9.png) We swiftly recovered of the shock our eyes had provided us. The Parade then took a different turn, and our magnificent leader ended up unconcious. (http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/340/para34cs7.png) We were also graced by the presence of the lovely woman Jessica Hawkins So after a few laughs and giggles we finalized the Parade drill. (http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/5932/parade6xz7.png) [A few pics was lost due to pc errors] A magnificent Parade drill it was! Thank you John Dell. Title: Re: Parade Drill - 18 april - Lead by John Dell Post by: John Dell on April 18, 2007, 09:19:57 pm John Dell stood peeking through the sketches, drooling absently as always.
"Mrmm.." |