Title: [TODAY] Basic Drill Training/Hunting - 9:00pm GMT Post by: Maldraedior on April 23, 2007, 11:08:13 am Greetings fellow guardsmen.
As many of you may know, last night I earned my Watchman badge. In my time as a Recruit I saw a lot of slacking and chaotic behaviour in our lineups and parades, both from fresh recruits and seasoned guardsmen. Tomorrow we will start working to improve our discipline - aiming for lineup drilling first. Slacking and sleeping in the lineup tomorrow will be rewarded with some laps around the Barracks or back and forth to the Cove gates. All guardsmen that can attend should attend. Our recruits need to learn how to be disciplined - and they cannot recieve better training than from watching our veterans. The drilling will take place at the Barracks. If there is not enough guardsmen or Recruits for the Drilling, we will skip it and do the hunting trip only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, we have gotten a proposal that we cannot decline. Someone wish to "hire" us, so that we can take care his troubles with orcs. Now I did not like the idea of getting hired as mercenaries, but this person seemed trustworthy and he told me that he tried to hire the Yewian guardsmen, but they were not able to take care of his problem. I say we show them Yewians how things are done by real men and women. I will fill you all in with information about the proposal after the Drilling event. - Watchman Maldraedior. |