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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on April 24, 2007, 11:12:55 am

Title: Grenadier Training - A Baron's Own's Duties
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 24, 2007, 11:12:55 am
Attended by:

Octiovus Von Richter, Baron & Liege

Raiden, Grenadier Corporal (Leading)
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Gimbly, Regular Grenadier
Eve, Junior Grenadier
Arel, Recruit & Aspiring Grenadier
James Covium, Recruit & Aspiring Grenadier

A Grenadier's duties!

No squad in the army has duties as important as a Grenadier's. Ye may argue. Ye may ask why? Well because we are the Baron's bodyguard and Household Troops ye eijits! That's why!

So last eve I went through these duties, their importance and what is expected of a Baron's Own Grenadier.

I explained the Grenadier duties in turn from Baronial escorts to building security checks to handling explosives to interrogation techniques.


Our Liege and Baron joined us as i was running through these duties and was most  interested to see a little swagger on display... And Grenadier Sergeant Vince Valentine didn't disappoint! *shifty eyes* Err... Well done Sarge! *smiles nervously*

After making sure everyone present knew what was expected of them it was time to put them to the test. A Baronial escort to the Rose tavern in Trinsic no less.

Vince ordered the drinks, Eve ordered the food and we all sat down to discuss things all things Grenadier.


The Baron was shocked to here that Regular Grenadier Conan Darkmoon had not only agreed to marry a wench from Vesper, but he had failed to get the Baron's approval for such a union and also failed to mention anything of his actions to his brother Grenadiers!

Infidel! Nay Stag Night nor nuthin'! *mutters*

After the fun we had on Vince's Stag Night too... *nods sadly*

We were soon joined by some un-named wench who took a liking to our fair Baron, and who could blame her. We dared to hope at last that our courageous Baron would find a bride. But it turned out she was a bit of a thicky so we shall keep looking.

Well done Grenadiers!


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.

Interested in joining the Baron's Own Grenadiers? Contact Sergeant Vince Valentine or Corporal Raiden Morana for further details.

Title: Re: Grenadier Training - A Baron's Own's Duties
Post by: Gregor Eason on April 24, 2007, 01:45:20 pm
Maximum swagger..?

I am certain.

Still, ye've got nothing on my Covian Marines!! *Looks around at the empty room*

Ahem, yes..
Well, nice Grenadier Gardens ye've got there! *Nod nod*

Gregor Eason, Acting Naval Lieutenant
The Baron's Navy, Baronship Of Cove

Title: Re: Grenadier Training - A Baron's Own's Duties
Post by: Vince Valentine on April 24, 2007, 04:46:40 pm
Ahh yes, can't be skimping on our duties, Tis not the grenadier way!

Well lead Corporal.

     Vince Valentine
  Grenadier Sergeant