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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on April 26, 2007, 12:58:04 pm

Title: Gold Rush!
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 26, 2007, 12:58:04 pm
Some damn foo' reckons he's struck gold somewhere in the shire. Don't know where, they were his last words... Uhmm... They look like orc bites to me!

I need some brave civilians to head out and do some prospecting to see if it is true!

Whether you dig the mountains of Covetous or Glenmore, sift through the lakes of the shire or venture into the dangerous mines at Covetous, find the gold if it does indeed exist and claim it for the Baron and for Cove.

The Task.

*You are to prospect the mountains and streams of Cove in search of gold, reporting your findings below.


*This task may be completed only once per character.
*This is an entirely role-play task, and you may choose to go about prospecting in whatever fashion you like!

Perhaps you will ask the local miners if they've found any recently?
Or maybe you'll take a more direct approach and pan the mountain streams or maybe even take up a pickaxe and start looking for yourself!
You may even rope some guards into it and  make a mining camp.

The Reward.

Shillings will be awarded for the quality and imagination of your report.

Title: Re: Gold Rush!
Post by: Farfar on May 28, 2007, 04:18:20 pm
I heard someone say gold, so for my love of cove and my hatred against the loyalist capialists, i thought i give it a shot. Maybe ill be prosperous.
 I started taking some samples in the cove mountains.
I felt as i was getting nowhere. I have never mined in worse mountains, to be frank...
I thought i hit a vein, but i was mistaken. no gold there either...
I mined for several hours later, but yet hadīnt found a single piece of Gold in the cove mountains. If yer asking me, i think that bofoon was jibbering in fever before he died.
   I went to the tavern to fill out my... Dissappointment over the days work. Bloody shame, bloody shame...


Title: Re: Gold Rush!
Post by: Ileana Leontine on May 28, 2007, 05:27:57 pm
Perhaps you would both find more gold and conserve that you already have if you did not mine so inebriated.

[OOC: Nice report. :))

Title: Re: Gold Rush!
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 28, 2007, 05:35:14 pm
Better luck next time Commoner... And save some ale fer the rest of us eh?!

50 Shillings awarded - Farfar

Title: Re: Gold Rush!
Post by: Ileana Leontine on June 01, 2007, 05:29:57 pm

Title: Re: Gold Rush!
Post by: qom_riyadh on June 02, 2007, 05:49:22 pm
Grand work, madam! And you gave some work to other Covians! Splendid!

80 shillings awarded - Ileana Leontine