Title: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Raiden Morana on April 28, 2007, 08:58:15 am Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers
In order to fund Cove's various interests, i.e. the navy, upkeep of the Baronship Household buildings, not to mention the Baron's private wine collection, a tax of fifty pieces of gold will be levied on any travellers passing through the city gates as well as any wishing to travel the road through the Altmere. If anyone fails to cough up, warm their heels and set them on their way! Conditions. This duty must be completed by either a Watchman or Junior Guardsman. Construct and man for at least 20 minutes a sentry post at Cove gates and another at the At least 5 guardsmen (including the leader) must attend to this duty. At least 2 men must stay in the sentry post at all times. Pin a notice on the events board to encourage your fellow guardsmen to attend. Post a full report of each sentry duty below. Notes: Patrols may be sent out if you wish, but don't venture far from the post. Or perhaps a game of dice and a hearty meal would suit the guardsmen better? Guardsman Duties are storyline driven missions that are interlinked with important Promotional Requirements, making the general grind of completing ten Hunts, or ten Patrols etc. a lot more interesting by livening up these tasks with a bit of intrigue and story. Please sign below if you wish to lead this duty. Good luck guardsmen. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Maldraedior on April 28, 2007, 11:52:19 am I wish to lead this duty, sir Raiden.
-signed Watchman Maldraedior. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Raiden Morana on April 28, 2007, 12:17:31 pm Ye're on it Watchman!
Organise the duty as soon as ye can! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Raiden Morana on May 24, 2007, 03:50:51 pm Due to Watchman Maldraedior's enforced leave from the army this duty has now been re-opened.
Get to it Watchmen/Juniors! First one to sign up gets the duty. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Zoie Hayden on May 24, 2007, 05:58:55 pm I'll do it with zeal Sir! I've been looking to set up a post near Altmere in the near future anyway.
Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers Post by: Raiden Morana on May 24, 2007, 06:27:10 pm Good work Watchman!
You got the job. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Report of Altmere Sentry... Post by: Kas Valentine on May 30, 2007, 12:42:59 pm Sentry of Altmere Post
Led by: Watchman Zoie Hayden. Attended by: Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine, Scout Sergeant Mela Arkay, Guardsman Recruit Gabriel Drachen, Watchman Faden Wildheart, Watchman Brandy Arrowsnap. We were rallied outside the barracks by Zoie with the intention of occupying the Altmere outpost so the adjoining road could be watched and any passing travellers suitably taxed. The guardsmen were somewhat slow to arrive but eventually we had enough to properly police the road and we set off towards the outpost. Faden and I split off from the main group and gathered some leather hides from local wildlife. Once our pack llama was full we headed up to the outpost and assisted in it's construction. Soon enough we had fully functional sentry and got down to the job of taxing the life out of any passersby. After a short time a mounted man approached us from the north. He was distinctly upset at having to reach into his purse just to get further down the road and exchanged some harsh words with the guardsmen. (http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/7052/travellerwp3.png)(http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6105/passageta2.png)(http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/6277/returnls6.png) The stranger hurling abuse at the guardsmen Apparently not wishing to waste his time any futher the traveller retreated up the road from which he had came. Not five minutes had passed when he returned with a distinctly rough looking customer who he had apparently hired for the task of assaulting our sentry. "Cut their throats and steal their mothers" hollered the mounted man with glee as his bodyguard went to work. Unfortunately for the stranger the goon was swiftly dispatched by the Covians. (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8576/succeedfc7.jpg) Guardsman Valentine gives the bandit what for With his devious plan in tatters the man was taxed within an inch of his life.... (http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1222/waggleyi7.jpg) The angry stranger has his purse emptied ....and sent on his way. (http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7127/beatitmd1.jpg) The legendary "Covian Goodbye" Watchman Zoie then declared our sentry a success and had us perform a forced march back to the barracks. The princely sum of fifty thousand crowns (an uneducated guess) was deposited in the Baronship coffers and the guardsmen were dismissed. Signed in ridiculously flamboyant handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers [COMPLETE] Post by: Raiden Morana on May 30, 2007, 01:31:29 pm Good work guardsmen.
Just the gate sentry to do and the task is complete Watchman Hayden. *Signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |