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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 08:56:06 am

Title: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 08:56:06 am
Today is a good day!
*does the happy dance*

Today is a happy day!
*continues the happy dance*

Today is a great day!
*finishes the happy dance*

They are finally making armslore worth having again! De la w00t!

Arms Lore has been changed:

    * Arms Lore will increase when weapons and armor are crafted
    * When a weapon is exceptionally crafted, the damage increase modifier will increase by 1% per 20 points of Arms Lore.
    * When a piece of armor (not including shields) is exceptionally crafted, each resist normally available on that armor piece will increase by 1% per 20 points of Arms Lore

This effectively means that with GM armslore your equipment will have 25 points increase in resistance and thus will be able to replace any old equipment piece with ease when it comes down to effectiveness.

Exceptional weapons will now do 40% more damage than normal weapons which is a welcome change as well.

Also, they are changing the way armslore is raised, this means that after tomorrow (monday) you will have to craft like a mofo to raise armslore as then it'll be raised in the same manner Evaluate Intelligence is raised now (as a support skill). That means the time to train that skill is NOW! TODAY!

Download the macro client (currently an official UOPro program) and start macroing!
After tomorrow I reckon training the skill would be (not exagarated) at least 20 times as hard, costly and time consuming while now it can be trained with a minimal time/cost investment.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 09:27:43 am
More details :

Up to 80 skill you can make do with 300 items, to get to GM (mainly from 95+) you need 600-750 items as the skill is target (not location so 8x8 has NO effect) based. Same like poisoning.

As which script to use :
; Script Name: Hosebomber's 0-100 Arms Lore Script
; Author: Hosebomber
; Version: 1.2
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Revision Date: 2-07-06
; Public Release: 4-04-05
; Global Variables Used: N/A
; Purpose: Raise Arms Lore from 0-GM.
;Version Change 1.2
;Added SE and ML items Thanks to Eden13
;Version Change 1.1
;Added Skinning Knife
;Fixed slight bug of not counting gain off first lore attepmt to the
; "gains this cycle"
;Menu clean-up... (Showing N/A until first attempt is complete)
;Open bags containing multiple Items onto your screen.
;The more Items the better... I personally used 750 Daggers which I GMed off of.
;This script will use all craftable Non-SE items. (except clothing of course)
;Daggers, Butcher Knives, and Skinning Knives are perfered.
;If you fail to gain in a cycle the script will stop and tell you to get new items.
;Arms lore is target based (like poisoning) and you must gain before being able to
; gain off prior items.
;After opening all of your bags press play and wait to GM.
;Props to CEO... used part of his coding for menu display
;All craftable items and hats
;Do you want the script to hide you? (1 = yes / 0 = no)
set %hide 1
;Set your delay here (default is 17) may be slightly higher if you lag.
set %delay 17
;*** Config section ends here - Do not edit past this line ***
set %cycles 0
set %attempts 0
set #menubutton n/a
set %starttime #SCNT
chooseSkill Arms
set %start #skill
set %skill #skill
set %cyclegains 0
if #skillLock = locked
Display OK Your Arms Lore is locked.$
  +Please Set your Skill to raise and restart the script.$
if #skillLock = down
Display OK Your Arms Lore is pointed down.$
  +Please Set your Skill to raise and restart the script.$
gosub showLoreMenu
ignoreitem reset
goto Main_Loop
gosub Hide
gosub Lore
gosub skill_update
gosub menu_update
goto Main_Loop
sub Lore
finditem %Target
if #findkind = -1
set %cycles %cycles + 1
goto CycleReset
ignoreitem #findid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 13 4
event macro 22
wait %delay
set %attempts %attempts + 1
if %cyclegains = 0
Display OK You can't gain anymore from these targets.$
  +Restock with new ones and press play.$
set %cyclegains 0
ignoreitem reset
goto Main_Loop
sub menu_update
if #menubutton = hide
set %hide 1
if #menubutton = Stop
menu clear
menu Font Align Left
menu Font Size 28
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Font Transparent #true
menu text status 25 15 Script Halted!
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font BGColor InfoText
menu delete current
menu Text current 115 25 %skill
menu delete Attempts
menu Font Color Red
menu Text Attempts 260 5 %attempts
menu delete Cycles
menu Font Color Lime
menu Text Cycles 260 45 %cycles
menu delete CycleGains
menu Text CycleGains 260 25 %cyclegains
sub skill_update
chooseSkill Arms
if #skill > %skill
set %cyclegains %cyclegains + 1
menu window color red
wait 5
menu window color black
if #skill = 1000
gosub GM
set %skill #skill
set %totalgains %skill - %start
sub Hide
if %hide = 1
if h in #charstatus
EVENT macro 13 21
wait 12s
gosub Hide
sub GM
menu clear
menu Font Size 26
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Font Transparent #true
menu text status 50 15 Woot GM!!!
set %c1 #random % 255
set %c2 #random % 255
set %c3 #random % 255
menu window color %c1 , %c2 , %c3
wait 2
menu window color black
wait 2
menu delete status
goto GM_Loop
;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code Begin ---------
sub showLoreMenu
  menu Clear
  menu Window Title Hosebomber's Armslore
  menu Window Color Black
  menu Window Size 278 70
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color Lime
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor InfoText
  menu Text Startlabel 5 5 Starting Skill
  menu Text Currentlabel 5 25 Current Skill
  menu Text CyclesThrough 125 45 Cycles Completed:
  menu Font Color Red
  menu Text TotalAttempts 125 5 Total Attempts:
  menu Font Color Lime
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Text start 115 5 %start
  menu Text current 115 25 %skill
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Text Attempts 260 5 %attempts
  menu Text Cycles 260 45 %cycles
  menu Font BGColor Black
  menu Text Gainsthiscycle 125 25 Gains This Cycle:
  menu Text CycleGains 260 25 %cyclegains
  menu Font Style bu
  menu Font BGColor InfoText
  menu Button hide 5 45 60 20 Hide
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor Red
  menu Button Stop 75 45 20 20 S
  ;menu HideEUO
  menu Show 730 25
;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code End ---------

Macroing unattended is illegal, do so at your own risk.
Also, I imagine BoC does not encourage nor does it claim any involvement in the use of scripts and macros.
This thread merely exists to serve as friendly advice.

Good luck with training (if you are going to)!

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on April 29, 2007, 12:09:46 pm
It's not the ones that wear the armour that can get armslore and thus increase the resists and that. But the crafters that has to in order to increase the quality of their work?

To think that I had GM armslore the first time the talked about changing it and now not..

(Good thread!)

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Celuvian on April 29, 2007, 12:24:47 pm
Will CORE accept this on our GM crafted equipment.

(currently arms loring like a maniac)

Title: ArmsLore Question help.
Post by: Celuvian on April 29, 2007, 12:29:00 pm
 "Each resist normally available on that armor piece will increase by 1% per 20 points of Arms Lore"
So does that mean that on every piece of armor the resist increases by 25 at GM AL? and not by 5% per armor piece and 25% per full suit.

Understand my meaning?

*looks confused*

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: userjosh5368 on April 29, 2007, 01:24:56 pm
Oh well least us melee il have a power closer to a crossbow and the ornate axe they should ban it

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Hoagie on April 29, 2007, 04:50:50 pm
Could you show me where it says EasyUO is a UOPro program? As far as the UO website says, it isn't, and I'd rather if you didn't post scripts and links until you can prove it is, friendly advice or not. ;)

Quote from: www.support.ea.com
# UOAssist
# UO Auto-Map
# UO Calculator
# UO Curse Tool
# UO Journal Converter
# UO Magic Tool
# UO Spawn Map

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 05:08:53 pm
It was announced on their website a while ago, however I imagine EA not listing the program in their UOPro application list as even though the use of attended macroing through EasyUO is condoned (as it does not modify the data in any way), they'd still have people playing UO the "regular" way. Understandable ofcourse, but if I am not mistaken it was MrTact who approved of the use of EUO.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Hoagie on April 29, 2007, 05:11:58 pm
You're not even allowed to mention the name of it on the Stratics forums. So as I said, if you  can't prove it, I'd rather you didn't discuss it on the guild forums.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 07:01:05 pm
Not to worry, it's out of character ;)

And although I understand and respect your concerns, there really is no harm done here.
I am not making propaganda for illegal means of playing UO or by providing exploit methods.
As long as you don't script unattended or script to get any unfair enhancements but time saving then there is nothing illegal being described in this thread.

To me training in UO stopped being fun (and part of the game to enjoy) a long time ago. I enjoy my characters when they are maxed out and ready for use. I also enjoy writing/modifying scripts to make the game easier without cheating downright. This is a personal preference I like to share with like-minded people. Those who oppose this manner of playing the game have the right to their own opinion. It's cool with me.

Basicly what this boils down to is the age old discussion of playing hardcore UO or using UOA all over again. :)
(it took a very long time - with over 50k people using it already - before UOA actually became "legit")

Also, I have stated in this thread what I felt needed to be said.
Train armslore now before it's too late and if you want to train it the easy (but legal) way then I have described how you can do that.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 07:49:08 pm
To toss some oil on the fire...

Have a read and see what it really means to be a UOPro application. ;)
This thread is an old one but deals with a flame on UOA with the exact how and whys of it.
Just to state that UOPro status means nothing.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Celuvian on April 29, 2007, 09:24:33 pm
You dont need easy uo to gm arms lore..
I do it the old way...I lore 4 pieces of armor in turn and I have gone from 00 to...well now I am on 95.5 and I have been at it for about 10 hours straight.
Old school...

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 29, 2007, 09:37:55 pm
Er, Moraine, they removed the anti macro code awhile back. So you can do it on the same item

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 29, 2007, 09:43:21 pm
Omg now they tell me!
*slaps forhead*

Could someone tell me more about this?
What code was removed and for what skills?
And ofcourse how did it affect skillgain for those skills?

I was under the impression you still needed at least 750 items :S

Most importantly : how does this affect lockpicking? :)

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Garak Nightchill on April 29, 2007, 11:43:00 pm
Clarification on Armslore


Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on April 29, 2007, 11:45:59 pm
*Stops training arms lore*

OSI ass-hats.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 30, 2007, 06:25:24 am
Oh for FUCK sake!
*quits UO*

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on April 30, 2007, 09:31:26 am
FYI....EasyUO has ever been, and will forever remain a bannable program for UO. It has never been "approved" or "condoned" by EA. It also doesn't make a difference if you leave it attended or not. And quite frankly, you should know that Juul  ;)

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: qom_riyadh on April 30, 2007, 09:47:01 am
Theoretically yes, but I think that attended macroing is more "allowed" than leaving a macro overnight.
Generally speaking, when you i.e. train carpentry "by hand", you are macroing too, because macroing is just repeating some algorithms or way of doing sumthin. Such progz only save you from clicking mouse 1000000000 times.

Despite I used EasyUO several times, and despite manual training is as boring as prime minister's expose, I think that having a char maxxed by myself and wasting spending many hours for it, makes me "feel" and "know" my chars much more.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Ileana Leontine on April 30, 2007, 12:07:49 pm
I use easyUO for attended raising of crafting skills (not lumberjacking or mining). I'd rather not have carpal tunnel, thanks, no matter what EA thinks.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 30, 2007, 01:14:58 pm
Omg now they tell me!
*slaps forhead*

Could someone tell me more about this?
What code was removed and for what skills?
And ofcourse how did it affect skillgain for those skills?

I was under the impression you still needed at least 750 items :S

Most importantly : how does this affect lockpicking? :)

It effects all the skills, you dont need to use 8x8 anymore and can reuse skills on one item etc.

IE if you where wanting to train magery, you could stay in your house and cast spells on a door, yes thats right! A DOOR!

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Averion/Gambit/Crystal/Etc on April 30, 2007, 03:40:36 pm
Since the permanent hold on EA's crack down on EUO users (PunkBuster) alot more people have become interested and use the scrits approved to train, I don't as I was hacked this way but....whatever floats ya boat!

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 30, 2007, 06:20:09 pm
FYI....EasyUO has ever been, and will forever remain a bannable program for UO. It has never been "approved" or "condoned" by EA. It also doesn't make a difference if you leave it attended or not. And quite frankly, you should know that Juul  ;)

I am 100% sure I read a post/transcript on the EUO site made by one CEO (the writer of the program). Just that I am unable to find it now. Could mean that the statement had to be revoked perhaps, but it was still made.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on April 30, 2007, 07:42:05 pm
could still get an all 60 resist suit with GM Armslore.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on April 30, 2007, 09:16:40 pm
Ok, this is what my calculation would be.

Metal armour :
- Maximum resist would be on valorite metal armour.
Base resist would be 15 (same for all metal armour)
Exceptional bonus would be 15
Material bonus would be 13 (valorite)
GM Armslore bonus would be 5
Total resist per piece : 48

6 pieces in total = 6 x 48 = 288 resist total
we divide this by the total types of resist (5)
Result = 288 / 5 = 57,6 average resist

Studded leather / bone armour has a base resist of 16 (normal leather has 15)
Exeptional bonus and armslore bonus remain the same.
Material bonus would be 12 (barbed leather)
Total resist would be 48 as with leather.
Result would be the same.

This being said it would be safe to assume crafting an all 55 resist set is indeed possible.
An ideally crafted armour set could have 60/60/55/55/55 resists in total.

Without the armslore bonus the maximum (balanced) resists would be 55/50/50/50/50 (6 pieces x 5 points less).

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on May 01, 2007, 10:54:39 am
FYI....EasyUO has ever been, and will forever remain a bannable program for UO. It has never been "approved" or "condoned" by EA. It also doesn't make a difference if you leave it attended or not. And quite frankly, you should know that Juul  ;)

I am 100% sure I read a post/transcript on the EUO site made by one CEO (the writer of the program). Just that I am unable to find it now. Could mean that the statement had to be revoked perhaps, but it was still made.

You read a post on the website of a for EA illegal program claiming they weren't illegal......And you take their word for it?  ;D

They are 100000% illegal. I validate some of the reasons mentionned on why to use it. I have even used it myself in the past. But that doesn't make it any less banable if they find out. Use at your own risk.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on May 01, 2007, 07:40:33 pm
You forgot too count a shield :P.

Don't know how you got the last maximum, as my suit is 62/53/52/50/52. 

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 02, 2007, 06:58:42 am
Shields don't get the armslore bonus.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 09, 2007, 11:57:31 am
FYI, I researched EASyUO.com in the past and they state themseles "NEVER ADMIT to using these script engines or ever admit to having PREVIOUSLY used these, even on characters yo have deleted." Apparently there is no statute of limitations and you can be banned for using these programs on your account from as far back as the Beta... if such was possible then even >.<

I am not saying that you should not use macros.. im saying not to go around advertising.... its dangerous, i have friends who been banned in the past for that shit.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Khaelieth on May 09, 2007, 06:03:02 pm
After they introduced "advanced" chars, I had no qualms about people macroing. They're doing just the same thing, but it's costing them UO resources instead of cash. Don't see what the difference is.

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 09, 2007, 08:54:11 pm

Anyway, who has a fletcher with GM armslore?
Need 5 unmarked crossbows, preferably of the wood that gives that nice 10% damage bonus :D

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: qom_riyadh on May 21, 2007, 08:37:44 pm
Somewhat old topic, but found this:
(about macroing)

(redirected from the New Player Guide found on www.uo.com)
Quote from: http://www.uo.com/newplayer/newplayer01.html
Helpful Tools
We've approved certain 3rd Party Tools to be used with UO. The two most popular are:

UO Assist - An addon tool that has a ton of cool features
UO Auto Map - A map tool that keeps you from getting lost
You can see a list of all the approved 3rd Party Tools by clicking here.

to this:

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Khaelieth on May 21, 2007, 09:22:47 pm
Pfsch. Attended macroing is allowed I believe!

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: userjosh5368 on May 21, 2007, 10:48:27 pm
92.00 armslore come on absoutle B**** to train i tell you ! So boring! Im leaving it at that for now!

Title: Re: Armslore.... F*CK YEAH!
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 22, 2007, 06:49:36 am
*sits on his GM itemID, detect hidden & armslore skills*