Title: [Tuesday 15th of May] The Not So Jolly Sailor - 19:15 CET, 6:15 GMT Post by: Maldraedior on May 04, 2007, 09:26:48 pm Guardsman Duties - The Not So Jolly Sailor
It has long been rumoured that the ghosts of Cove's lost fleet roam the town's docks at night. Our fair citizen's will nay go near the place after dark. With at least 2 other guardsman patrol Cove town after dark and report anything out of the ordinary. Do the shades of lost sailors haunt the docks, is it a cover for smugglers or just an old fishwife's tale? Conditions. This duty must be completed by either a Guardsman Recruit or Watchman. Patrol Cove town. At least 3 guardsmen (including the leader) must attend to this duty. The following locations must be checked and sketched in your report - Docks, Bank, Lighthouse & City Walls. This patrol MUST be done at night. (dark nights enabled - torches / lanterns - no nightsight) Pin a notice on the events board to encourage your fellow guardsmen to attend. Post a full report below. Notes: Guardsman Duties are storyline driven missions that are interlinked with important Promotional Requirements, making the general grind of completing ten Hunts, or ten Patrols etc. a lot more interesting by livening up these tasks with a bit of intrigue and story. Please sign below if you wish to lead this duty. Good luck guardsmen. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. ------------------------------------------------------------ We will gather at the Barracks and walk to Cove. We will just start with making an apperance in Cove at first and when the Night comes - we will start with our Patrol around the city. Be sure to bring lanterns, torches and your Eagle eyes! Nothing will go unseen! Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - The Not So Jolly Sailor. 8 GMT Sunday. Post by: Gregor Eason on May 05, 2007, 05:06:43 pm Sadly, this'll clash with the Naval Duties of the eve.
Perhaps push a bit later? The Ninth Hour, or half of the Eighth would be better. Gregor Eason, Acting Naval Lieutenant The Baron's Navy, Baronship Of Cove |