Title: Sentry Duty (Report) Post by: Mercy on May 10, 2007, 06:54:47 pm Today was my first day on full duty and I think it started off well. I attended the sentry post and was set to work gathering hides with fellow Recruit Zoie. Whilst we were gathering hides a Troll appeared from behind the trees, we both put up a good fight and soon had it wishing it hadn't messed with us.
(http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/9923/sentryju3.jpg) Back at the sentry I asked Guardsman Jack what doing Sentry involved and what we might have to do. (http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/5864/sentry2ri1.jpg) We had to look out for people coming close to the sentry and judge if they were friend or foe. (http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/9288/sentry3jy5.jpg) After finding out we could be stood around for half an hour I thought I'd beeter get a comfortable standing so my feet didn't ache too much. (http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8040/sentry4bv6.jpg) It began to seem as though our duty would be uneventful but a few minutes later and a figure approached us from the shadows, wearing a robe and looking sinister. He began to threaten us and ask for our gold so he was obviously a brigand, either very brave or very stupid to try and take on four armed Guardsmen. He opened fire on me and I tried to dodge his attack whilst the other two recruits gave chase, I fumbled with my bandages and forgot all about my spells. Then I gathered my senses as the other two came back and we stood guard waiting for the man to reappear. Then the chase was on and I managed to stop the man in his tracks long enough for Sergeant Hoagie to deliver a deadly blow with his sword. That and my fire blast brought the man to the ground. We waited a little for him to get up but it didn't look like it would happen so we left him alone to his own fate. (http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/4499/sentry5qg8.jpg) Not long after our sentry time was over so it was time to pack everything away, there was a patrol taking place after but I was already too tired to attend. (http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1435/sentry7vc0.jpg) Officer in charger - Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist Guards attending Watchman Tyrael Styx Recruit Zoie Hayden Recruit Mercy Dragoon Sergent Hoagie (joined later) Title: Re: Sentry Duty (Report) Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on May 10, 2007, 07:01:00 pm Nice first report, Mercy! You're as a good writer as you are spell caster.
*Signed* Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist Title: Re: Sentry Duty (Report) Post by: Zoie Hayden on May 10, 2007, 09:17:25 pm It was my first sentry as well, and a cracking one at that!