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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Dalamar on May 11, 2007, 05:37:35 pm

Title: Healing training
Post by: Dalamar on May 11, 2007, 05:37:35 pm
Leading: Dalamar, Regular Scout
Attending: Hoagie, Dragoon sergeant
           Jack Sinist, Regular Guardsman
           Joye Lanai, Senior Dragoon
           Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon
           Falconheart, Watchman
           Perrin, Watchman
           Andrew, Watchman
           Maldreadior, Watchman
           Synara Khan, recruit guardsman

I was worried what I had seen for last couple of week. Many new recruits but not realy basic traning. So I decided to run little healing training to see what they can do. First number of attending were horrible, only 3 showed up. But eventualy total of eleven showed up.
   Topic of that day was healing. First I told them to keep their neighbours standing... which was eventualy way too easy task due great number of magic users. So I told Joye and Flina to also attack standing lines. Even with their help we couldn’t drop them down. Seems their healing is exelent. For last I divided them to two groups with equal amount of magic users to see how they can work in groups and under hard preasure. Both teams performed this well and I must admit that I was pleasant. Althought I wasn’t pleasant about dicipline people have in general. Disobaying even the simples orders like –silence in line-. I told mutible times that next one who speaks in likes get whiped, it didn’t help at all so I whiped Recruit Synara Kahn. After I had whiped him in front of everyone I dismissed them. We will see will I need to use my whip more to get some dicipline to this lot.

     *Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Regular Scout

[OOC: I add pictures later when imageshack isn't down]