Title: UO:KR (AGAIN) Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 12, 2007, 12:10:03 pm Hey all, Jsut trying to find if any system Requirments had been laid out yer for UO:KR.. aparently not even IGN knows them. and that sucks bit fat donkey (explitive deleted) Anyone know the Requirments or where I can actually find these let me know please (Purchasing a new kick ass laptop)
Thanks in advance. V/R Marcus Kobra Title: Re: UO:KR (AGAIN) Post by: qom_riyadh on May 12, 2007, 12:22:28 pm Yeah, good point.
Found this on GameSpot: "Reason #4: System Requirements. UO does not demand a high end system to run. One could look at this reason as a weakness, because the game’s graphics/sound are limited. However, EA has made a decision to keep the system requirements low. Kingdom Reborn (more on that later) will even have relatively low system requirements. If you are a person who is not interested in spending thousands of dollars to upgrade a perfectly good computer (i.e. one that does fine with “normal” functions, such as word processing, spreadsheets, etc.) just to play games, then UO might be for you." Although this can be based on unofficial informations between developers and press, so still we don't know nothing precisely. I'd rather hold on for a while with that laptop of yours ;) Title: Re: UO:KR (AGAIN) Post by: Zoie Hayden on May 12, 2007, 12:40:37 pm It's reasonable to assume that KR won't have very high requirements; not nearly as high as other current MMOs. I wouldn't worry about any computer running it.
Title: Re: UO:KR (AGAIN) Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 12, 2007, 01:09:28 pm They originally intended KR to be able to run on a pIII 1000Mhz with 512mb.
Not sure if this info is up to date though, but I do know they said they'd have slidable effects with the option to turn off certain graphic enhancements on a slower computer. |