Title: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 19, 2007, 10:26:09 am Like omg! I R SO teh happy with them devz yo!
Seriously, they are finally making a gameplay change that players have been asking for since the Beta ;) POTIONS ARE GONNA BE STACKABLE! OMG YAY! [/joy] Additionally they are removing the stat gain cap timer thingy, which means we'll be able to seesaw again, which is proper goodness as well as a char could be trained to 7xGM in less than 3 days but would still be left with crappy stats. Not speaking about RP here, just powergaming in general. Also, the FoF states that in KR we will be able to choose from difference faces when creating a character which is another nice feature (and I am quite sure full face customization will be implemented along the line, but there's no hurry with that). Yup yup, I am quite happy with the dev team atm (also I quite like New Haven). Seems like they are now actually taking on the "let's improve UO" tactics instead of "omg, let's add another neon feature like fire beetles!". I remember a dev commmenting on another devs horse that he was riding on test centre. The horse was blaze coloured and I quote "I thought that was SO awesome, we HAVE to implement that in our game" and thus the firesteed was born. Please, no more of that! Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Khaelieth on May 19, 2007, 10:46:08 am I agree, they are making it quite nice tbh. I'm used to stacking approx 70 bottles in a bag - hate it.
Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 19, 2007, 04:19:22 pm Yeah, imagine just dragging them from your bankbox now, effectively making kegs obsolete. To combat this though I think they should give kegs a weight bonus, e.g. a full keg weighs 50% less than 100 bottles. Kegs are too heavy as it is anyway.
Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Khaelieth on May 19, 2007, 04:20:57 pm Then again, I always carried two kegs of greater poison just in case...
Aye, they'll have to do something about the kegs. Wonder what EasyUO'll make of this... ;D Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Delcarakdur on May 19, 2007, 11:07:27 pm Aye...
Didn't know I was gonna say this... PRAISE THE LORD!! AND JESUS WHILE WE'RE AT IT!! Ehem... *coughs heavily* Anyway... Good stuff Pimp! :P Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 20, 2007, 10:36:09 am *nods gravly and concedes the point* Ok there MUST be some God out there then, but I still refuse to organise!
Awsome stuff to hear, thanks for the updates Moraine. Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Averion/Gambit/Crystal/Etc on May 20, 2007, 11:13:55 am In PvP terms if someone uses stacks for his potion storage, a player can loot them in one quick click and drag...
But for RP I agree it is very good =D Title: Re: A light shines down from the heavens... Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 20, 2007, 01:21:34 pm You still can if you shift-drag.