Title: Dual to the Death Post by: Talos on May 22, 2007, 11:06:48 pm 22 May 2007
The Barracks Roof Commanding Officer... Jack Sinst, Regular Guardsman Guardsmen.... Mercy, Guardsman Recruit Talos, Guardsman Recruit This was a training fight between two recruits, neither had faced each other in combat before and both were wondering who would be victorious, Mercy got first blood with a paralising spell, this took Talos by complete surprise, this gave Mercy time to unlease her first offensive and caused sever damage to Talos's body. Talos managed to strike Mercy a few times but was well and truely overpowered and the fight ended with Talos eatting Dirt and feeling rather battered, Maybe a rematch will occur one day ?. Officer Jack applauded Mercy on Her well deserved victory. Title: Re: Dual to the Death Post by: Raiden Morana on May 23, 2007, 08:02:40 am Har!
We've all eaten training arena dirt from time to time. *grins* Train, train and train again I say! Good work, keep it up Recruits. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Dual to the Death Post by: Mercy on May 23, 2007, 02:59:01 pm I was suprised I did so well, normally I panic and forget all my spells or to use bandages and just run around in circles. I look forward to a rematch though.