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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on May 24, 2007, 07:46:05 am

Title: Mining with Tyrael {Report document}
Post by: Vince Valentine on May 24, 2007, 07:46:05 am
Mining, alone? A defenceless lady like me? That's not a good idea at all...

The evening was sunny and bright. So sunny and bright in fact, that I decided it was too nice to waste indoors. I unstabled my trusty pack horse Frank, and headed to where the Guardsmen usually congregate. My mission? To find a brave, strong escort to take me across the shire to the mountains. I arrived to find a lone Guardsman, who named himself as Tyrael Styx.

I put forward my request and was thrilled when he accepted. We began our trip...

Once we'd arrived safely at the mine entrance, brave Mister Styx headed along the path to check that all was well...

That's good enough for me!

All was indeed well, and I began my work. After an hour or two in the baking sun, I could take no more, and we headed back to Cove, tired yet satisfied. I'd found a bright shiny Verite vein in the mountain, and couldn't wait to smelt the ore I'd extracted.

On the return trip, I chatted to Mister Styx, and the subject of his marital status came up. Apparently he's single, which, I'm sure you'll agree, is great news for the ladies.

Oh really....?

Thank you once again Mister Styx, thanks to your aid, the baronship is indeed richer.

      *Signed in bubbly writing*
     Sunset Dubrey, Commoner

Title: Re: Mining with Tyrael {Report document}
Post by: Tyrael on May 24, 2007, 09:07:18 am
Not a Problem Miss, if you ever need help again just contact me.

         Tyrael Styx,
            Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Mining with Tyrael {Report document}
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 24, 2007, 10:45:01 am
He'll impress the ladies even more when he wins his bronze arms Miss Sunset. *smiles*

40 Shillings awarded - Sunset Dubrey