Title: [COMPLETE] Grenadier Open Day & Induction Course - 8pm GMT Tuesday 29/05/07 Post by: Raiden Morana on May 25, 2007, 10:11:32 am What: Grenadier Open Day/Induction Course
When: 8pm GMT Tuesday 29/05/07 Where: Barracks Rooftop Interested in a career in the Baron's elite bodyguard? Want to learn a little more about the Grenadier way of life? Think you have what it takes to come through a gruelling Grenadier training session? I'll be hosting a Grenadier Open Day & Induction Course at the barracks. All ranks and squads are welcome to attend... I may even let you play with a few bombs!!! Heck I'll sing ye the Grenadier Song too! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |