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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hoagie on May 26, 2007, 04:10:15 am

Title: Adventure Time
Post by: Hoagie on May 26, 2007, 04:10:15 am

Mikael Von Richter, grandson of the Baron, and heir to Cove, wandered through the town. He wasn't used to this new town, and so all of his normal amusements had been taken away from him. So, like many boys of his age, he was out, about, and looking for trouble. Finally, he saw a young peasant girl drawing on the town docks.

"PEON!" He screeched. "I demand... A portait!" He swished his cloak in a small swirl, and struck a pose. The girl looked up from her drawings and stared at him. "Who're you?" She asked. Clearly irritated at not being recognised, the boy puffed his chest out, and exclaimed his name as loud as he could. He was met with a blank stare. Finally realising that the girl neither knew, no cared, who he was, he sat down in front of her chalk drawing, and she asked him his story.

Quite a while passed, as he told her about Trinsic, and his dad, Raziel Richter, making him and his brother come to stay in Cove. Of particular interest was his encounter with the Baron, and his appointment as Heir to Cove! Throughout the conversation, Mikael made it repeatedly clear that he missed Trinsic, and it turned out that the girl, Winifred, had never even been! That settled the matter. They would have to head for Trinsic!


The two children sat down with a map they were drawn on a page of a recruitment book. As neither of them really knew what a map was supposed to look like, they improvised a little, and came out with an accurate chart of the North! They'd find Trinsic yet!

The map used by the two children...

According to their map, Trinsic was northwest! Running as fast as they could, they ran roughly in the way directed on their map, dodging past bushes and trees. They weren't running long, however, before they met the first obstacle of their journey.

"AHHHHHHHH!" The pair screamed, spinning on their heels. "A ZOMBIIIEEEE!"

Stricken by fear, they bolted north, dodging a harpy, and stopping only when Mikael paused to fall headfirst into a bush.


The two continued north, until they hit the road. Panting, they stopped, checking that the brain eater had lost their trail. After regaining their breath, they began to head east, and into Vesper. Finally, they arrived at Swaggers. Walking in, Mikael told Fred to let him handle the situation.


Silence took over, as every head in the room turned to look at him. The barmaids glared, and the patrons just looked confused. Finally someone broke the silence with a cough, and the pair sat down at two stools.

"So, what is there to eat?" The pair enquired, the barmaids still glaring at them. Piling their money on the table, the barmaid told them that what little gold they had would get them approximately 1 pizza between the two of em. Agreeing to this, they sent the barmaid downstairs, and scanned the room. What they saw was more appealing to them than all the riches and power in Sosaria: A big plate of donuts. Quickly, their minds were made up. As soon as the majority of the staff were looking away, they charged for the donuts, grabbed the plate, and bolted out the door. Tripping over eachother, they hurtled down the stairs, landing at the feet of two irate looking barmaids.

More to come.