Title: *A note on the Barons Desk* Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 27, 2007, 05:46:56 am As you read this note My Liege, I am currently resting up from a long Journey I had to take. I took this leave from my duties to do a bit of thinking about things that has happened in my life thus far. It was a much needed leave of absence I been needing to take.
Every sence that clone took my place and ruined my good name, There has been questions about my loyalty to you and Cove. My loyalty to you and Cove has never been put second, and that should be proven in all tha battles I fought in your Name, I couldn't take how most were acusing me of being a traitor or the fact that everyone didn't want to be around me anymore. I will forever love Cove and show you where my loyalty lies. Once I am able to return I hope that I can recieve my Scouts Badge once again so I can go forth and protect cove again as a member of the Army. The Church has helped me so much, but even they can't do it all. On my way back to Cove I will indeed make a stop by all the Holy Shrines and pray that I will be fully forgiven even though I have proven that it was a clone that ruined my name. Signed Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: *A note on the Barons Desk* Post by: Octiovus on May 27, 2007, 12:08:59 pm *Reads the note, nodding..*
Very well.. |