Title: [Rumour] Ninja samurai bear attack on Cove? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on May 28, 2007, 10:46:20 am It seems that last night Kasei Senshi, a samurai mercenary of Cove, was snuck up on and attacked by a vicious bear near the Covian barracks. Being knocked unconcious by this vile creature, Kasei was found by sergeant Hoagie and a recruit and was taken to the barracks to recuperate. The samurai himself cannot remember actually being attacked by the bear but was told the story in full detail by Hoagie who had appearantly witnessed the whole ordeal. As it seems that the bear made some very dishonourable remarks about Kasei's mother after having beaten the proud warrior, Kasei has now called a samurai vendetta on said bear and shall not rest before he can extact his vengeance on this king of monsters. While this vile creature remains at large, all Covians are to be warned that there is a Ninja Samurai Kuma* roaming free and Kasei advices the Baronship that for the time being all women are to be locked up and kept safe until he slays this monster and restores Cove's honour as well as his own. *Kasei's actual words to describe this creature, Kuma being the Japanese word for Bear. (http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/6167/ninjasamuraikumaeo9.jpg) |