Title: A Carrier Pigeon sit Perched Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 30, 2007, 03:46:55 pm A pigeon sits perched on the Commander's desk, a ragged scrap of cheese cloth is tied to its leg. A note is scribbled onto the cloth
To whom ever might read this, and I hope that you shall. this is the last of three pigeons I did takes with me afore my leave. I've been on the mend near Skara Brae, problems that I've gots lost!! Do send help.... Very Respectfully: *the letter is signed* Marcus I. Kobra,Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove. {[OOC: Not starting an event here.. but it may spark some interesting events from anyone who chooses. It is general knowledge that when Kobra was last seen he had a horrible limp from a thrice broken ankle, and had been granted some leave in order to heal.]} |