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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on May 31, 2007, 08:13:27 am

Title: Mining the mines of Britan {Report Document}
Post by: Vince Valentine on May 31, 2007, 08:13:27 am
Guardsmen attending ~

Kelly Valentine, Scout O.C.
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Erik Arkay, Senior Guardsman
Mela Arkay, Scout Sergeant
Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
Falconheart, Watchman

Citizens Attending ~

Sunset Dubrey, Citizen (Organiser)
Ililana, Commoner
FarFar, Commoner

(Sorry if i missed anybody)

It was to be a trip to be remembered. The mines of Britan, home of plenty of ore, and unfortunatly, plenty of danger too. Rumour has it that Elementals of harsh rock and ore lie in wait, for unsuspecting miners! Something we can indeed verify!

We began our trip with a long and tiring march from Cove to the moongate. Aliong the way, it began to rain somewhat, which no doubt had something to do with Mister Arkays temporary lapse of brilliance...


Onwards we went, along the great northern road, until we arrived safely at the moongate. Many devious sorts attempted to halt us, including skeletons, ogres, and...Sheep?

Mela Akay doesn't like the sheep!

We pressed on bravely, through sheep born terror and ogre drenched fear, until we were travelling through the fields of Britan. "Almost there" I shouted cheerily, but I think they misheard me because some of the things that came in reply were...not so friendly.

Finally we had arrived. It was time to mine this Loyalist mine dry! No sooner had we found a good ore vein, an elemental of fearsome strength crunched out of the walls, knocking me down! The guardsmen soon saw him off, and I carried on, with a safe, warm feeling in my tummy tum. The ore collecting was going swimmingly, with Franks pack ful to the brim. Frank being my packhorse of course.

Full I say!

Then, it happened...
I struck gold! This excited everyone, particularly Mister Arkay, who kindy agreed to keep it safe, by leading the packhorse. That's where things became awkward...

How dare you sir!

It seems the gold went missing, and Mister Arkay announced that I was the prime suspect! He promised retribution, and sweet, sweet revenge before storming off! Troubling indeed *Casts a worried look towards the door*

Nevertheless, a fine trip, with many ingots recovered. Good work everyone, and thank you to our fine guardsmen who escorted us.

Resources Gathered: Ingots
Iron: 475
Bronze: 52
Gold: 68
Copper: 40

  *Signed in bubbly writing*
    Sunset Dubrey, Citizen

Title: Re: Mining the mines of Britan {Report Document}
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 31, 2007, 08:28:28 am
Ah! Excellent work Citizen!

There's a few extra shillings for organizing the event too!

80 Shillings awarded - Sunset Dubrey