Title: Advancment Exams(Totally OOC) Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 31, 2007, 12:39:44 pm Well, I am an E-3 or Enlistedman 3 referred to in Naval Aviation as an Airman.
I took my E-4 Exam ,Referred to as PettyOfficer 3rd Class, about a month ago. The good news is that I passed it!! I scored in the 84 percentile, or better than 84% of the persons tested. It was my first time up and though passing I was not Advanced in rank/paygrade. Very depressing I assure you. Most persons tested scored only a 54% or a possible 80% whereas I scored a 61% and the average PNA (passed not advanced) was 9 points, i start with 0 as it was my first time. their evals were like a 3.8 i had a 3.5 All in all it sucks cause I'm better than the average. |