Title: [Report] Plucking Our Twangers Post by: Graem Carcer on May 31, 2007, 08:29:11 pm Lead
Watchman Arrowsnap Attending Recruit Carcer --- Waking up in the barracks from a kip, my face was greeted by the howl of evening air, and the attention of Watchman Arrowsnap who suggested we go on a quick patrol. Initially suggesting the Orc Fort, I recommended Covetus, having just patrolled the Orc Fort to thin their numbers not a day ago. Dodging pillars of fire that lit our way, we ventured to the end of the first level of Covetus, loading the Harpies we saw with arrows and bolts, skinning their hide and plucking their feathers for use with more shafts. Due to the darkness, we experienced some friendly fire, but our amour served us well from each other. Gold Gathered 2784 Signed - Recruit Carcer --- (OOC: Are you all able to see the pictures inside Covetous? My monitor is really dark and going in a dungeon is like going into pitch black for me unless I look at it from a certain angle (TFT monitor) ) (http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/7113/brandy1pj4.jpg) Title: Re: [Report] Plucking Our Twangers Post by: Raiden Morana on June 01, 2007, 07:17:30 am Good work men.
Keep them blasted bird women on there toes eh!? *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |