Title: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Vince Valentine on June 01, 2007, 11:12:41 am Every Covian citizen is as hard working as they come, I'm sure you'll agree.
Forever out gathering the needed resources to keep our town running, they'll surely need a place to document what they've gathered no? Look no further! Hail citizens, The purpose of this log is to keep all of our trips to the wilds to gather resources, everything from wood and hides, meats and fruits, to ingots, all together. Only small scale trips, involving one or two people should be logged here. For larger scale trips, please file a report document as usual. For instance: Citizen Smith heads to the covian shire to gather hides. He is escorted by Recruit Dan and no one else. This should be logged here. On the other hand... Citizen smith organises an expedition to Tokuno, to gather ancient Tokunese bamboo. He's assisted by five guardsmen and two other civillians. This should be reported in the usual fashion, on the citizen board. Don't forget to state which resource you gathered, and how much. Below is a standard template, should you wish to use it. Don't forget a painting or two as well! [Title] Citizens attending: Guardsmen Attending: (if any) Resources gathered: [Brief description of how the trip went] All you have to do then is sit back and await your shillings. There we have it! Happy resource gathering! *Signed in bubbly writing* Sunset Dubrey, Governor's Aide Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Vince Valentine on June 01, 2007, 11:20:03 am Mining trip to the mountains of Sacrifice
Guardsmen attending: None as such Citizens attending: Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Resources gathered: Ingots Iron, 941 Dull copper, 45 Bronze, 9 Copper, 16 Shadow, 62 Gold, 16 A brief trip to the mountains of Sacrifice, to search for suitable ore. A fine supply of iron, but nothing much else I'm afraid. The pixies were friendly as puppies though! No dangers were encountered, and I was safely escorted back to Cove by the guardsmen who dropped me off. (http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/5701/mine1kw0.jpg) *Signed in bubbly writing* Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Raiden Morana on June 01, 2007, 11:24:18 am 60 Shillings awarded - Sunset Dubrey
Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Vince Valentine on June 04, 2007, 12:08:45 pm Mining trip to the outskirts of Britan
Guardsmen attending: None to speak of Citizens attending: Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Seeing that the sun was shining once more, I decided to work on my tan, whilst topping up the Baronships stock of ore. The fields of Britan are well patrolled, and so I thought I'd be okay on my own. So off I went! No dangers whatsoever I'm pleased to report, only sweat, ore dust and a couple of blisters on my hands. A fair price for the metal I managed to harvest i'd say. Mining songs were also sung, to keep me in good spirits in the sweltering heat... (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2124/z1bj0.jpg) She's a complicated girl, and no one understands her.... Resources gathered: Ingots Iron, 1416 Dull copper, 103 Shadow iron, 107 Copper, 129 Bronze, 69 Golden, 60 Agapite, 2 Valorite, 31 *Signed in bubbly writing* Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Raiden Morana on June 05, 2007, 10:15:31 am 50 Shillings awarded - Sunset Dubrey
Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Vince Valentine on June 14, 2007, 12:33:34 pm Trip to the mines near Covetous
Guardsmen present ~ James Covium, Recruit Citizens present ~ Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Going through my daily chorse, I realised that I'd neglected to mine for a day or two! This wouldn't do, so i hastily picked up my pickaxe and dashed outside. I almost ran into a Guardsman in my haste, who, upon me explaining my situation, agreed to accompany me. A good job too, as feral beasts did roam the mountainside! (http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/3517/z1mi0.jpg) Beasts at every turn! A fine amount of ingots were forged from the ore mined nevertheless, so a most successful trip! Resources gathered ~ Ingots Iron ~ 492 Dull Copper ~ 185 Shadow Iron ~ 6 Copper ~ 61 Bronze ~ 70 Agapite ~ 6 Verite ~ 37 Valorite ~ 11 *Signed in bubbly writing* Sunset Dubrey, Citizen Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: qom_riyadh on June 14, 2007, 12:36:06 pm 50 shillings awarded - Sunset Dubrey
Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Jacob Greyson on June 30, 2007, 04:02:07 pm Gathering Wheat from Moonglow
Jacob Greyson Wheat collected - 20 sheafs As all us civilians have been given this task to keep the Barony in food I thought I might as well do my part. Not that I'm a farmer or nowt. I started by making meself a Scythe and heading to those wheatfields in Moonglow where I knew some wheat grew. Taking me packhorse I set about gathering a load of the wheat and tying up into sheafs. (http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07266/wheat.jpg) Took a fair while to gather it and managed to bundle up twenty sheafs in all. (http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07266/wheat2.jpg) Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: qom_riyadh on June 30, 2007, 04:53:28 pm 50 shillings awarded - Jacob Greyson
Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Jacob Greyson on July 05, 2007, 12:11:01 pm Log chopping in Cove
Jacob Greyson Logs Gathered - 500 I 'ad planned to chop these logs a few days ago bu' got caught up in some other business, any how. I sharpened me axe blade and set about on the woods in the early mornin' before most people be up and managed to chop quite a nice amount of logs needed for the quota. I then shaved em down into manageable boards so they were all tidy like. (http://xs217.xs.to/xs217/07274/boards.jpg) *signed a bit scruffily* Jacob Greyson Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: qom_riyadh on July 05, 2007, 01:05:49 pm 50 shillings updated - Jacob
Quota has been updated Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: Farfar on August 03, 2007, 10:58:51 pm As i saw the coffers being quite light lately, i decided it was time for me to, once again, pick up my pickaxe and dig in. It´s been a week now, since i prospected the mountains near the Trinsic swamps, and an hour, since i was
I thought, what the heck, I´m already (http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/1369/qomlumberan9.png) Ingots mined: 94 Valorite Ingots 161 Shadow iron Ingots The Ingots have been delivered, with a middle hand, to the coffers of Cove. *signed in thick handwriting* Farfar. Title: Re: The Food and Resources Gathering Log Post by: qom_riyadh on August 04, 2007, 09:59:52 pm 50 shillings awarded - Farfar
Quota has been updated |