Title: [COMPLETE] Covian Baths - Hosted by Axiana & Amon Jarl - 7pm Thursday 07/06/07 Post by: Raiden Morana on June 03, 2007, 12:53:30 pm What: Covian Baths
When: 7pm GMT Thursday 07/06/07 Where: Cove town. Yes Covians it's wash time again. I know some of you may have bathed last year, but we can't have you stinking up the place. Gather in Cove town at the seventh hour for relaxation and enjoyment. *signed flamboyantly* Amon Jarl, Burgher. Title: Re: [TODAY!] Covian Baths - Hosted by Axiana & Amon Jarl - 7pm GMT Thursday 07/0 Post by: qom_riyadh on June 07, 2007, 10:15:19 am I can't be there, unfortunately. A great business opportunity for the TALW appeared in the Skara Brae area, thus I must leave Cove for few days.
Title: Re: [TODAY!] Covian Baths - Hosted by Axiana & Amon Jarl - 7pm GMT Thursday 07/0 Post by: Faden on June 07, 2007, 12:52:35 pm Hurry back Mr Riyadh, as always your services are always required in Cove.
A bath eh... I'll try be there. |