Title: Our land Post by: Faden on June 04, 2007, 01:38:39 pm Who agrees it is about time we show what land is ours, and what land is not.
I just got my hands on this document from vesper: (http://vesper.floriarama.info/images/vesper_map_small.jpg) Apparently the northern forest of Cove is not ours. The map we have is greatly out of date and does not show border lines, and around Cove our border has detoriated and is old: (http://sugeworld.com/eason/fullmap.jpg) Title: Re: Our land Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on June 04, 2007, 01:40:55 pm Of course it's ours, Vesperians are falsly claiming our lands. It has been, it is, and always will be ours!
Title: Re: Our land Post by: Zoie Hayden on June 04, 2007, 02:39:32 pm Everyone knows the lands up to Altmere,and to the mountain range are ours. Even the Yewians concede that fact.
Title: Re: Our land Post by: qom_riyadh on June 04, 2007, 02:46:19 pm A nicely drawn map, with some terrible mistakes on it.
First mistake: Vasparicia. This land was, is, and will be the property of the Baronship Of Cove, dammit. Second: "Covenshire"??? What?? It's Covian Shire, even Orcs know it... Title: Re: Our land Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 04, 2007, 03:48:54 pm IC they can claim all they like.....IC they'd also be speaking Yewish if it wasn't for us ;D
Title: Re: Our land Post by: Marcus Kobra on June 04, 2007, 04:48:37 pm *Marcus looks over the map scrutinizing every detail. His face turns quickly to a frown and he moves off to submit his Opinion to the Commander's "In" box.*
Sir, It is with the utmost and highest respect that I submit my personal opinion on pressing matters. I may be a Recruit Sir, but my heart is with Cove, now and always, since the very moment I made the decision to sign on. What Urks me Sir is, the Business involving a recovered map from Vesper. A poorly drawn and obviously missleading one of the falsest falsehood!! In the document, as I am certain you have been made well aware of it, they Vesperians see that lands, The lands rightly belonging to The Baron! are claimed as Vesperian lands, Lands they Tax Illegally! Lands they Patrol Illegally. Sir I can only put forth that this is a blatant disregard for property and is clearly an act of War. If not already claimed then Vesper shall move to claim it. The land is The Baron Octiovus' Own. No other shall have it while the men and women-at-arms of Cove stand to stop them!! At this Hour Sir I beseech thee to speak with the Baron, diplomacy may work.. but Vesper should be told that it is no less than an act of War to Illegally Annexe A sovereign and goodly peoples lands!! I pray you and the ranking officials of this Army work even now to council the Most Noble Baron on what his Most Honest, Just, Respectable, and Rightful course of action is! With all due respect to The Baron, Yer Self Sir, and Cove!! Very most Respectfully, Marcus I. Kobra, Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove |