Title: Negotiations with Kaldorian Officers - 9pm GMT, Thursday 14/04/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on April 14, 2005, 07:26:47 pm I have called forth Kaldorian officers to negotiate the release of their Commander, Cal Soulshadow. I have told the Captain amidst them to come alone and unarmed, but ye know Kaldorians would hardly abide by these terms.
Therefore, I require Covian guardsmen to be in and around the Barracks, with a fortification set up at the base of the stairway. When: 9pm GMT, Tonight! Where: Inside and Around Cove Barracks Bring: Heavy Arms, Armor, Bandages. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Negotiations with Kaldorian Officers - 9pm GMT, Thursday 14/04/05 Post by: Julius Estory on April 15, 2005, 02:38:10 pm [OOC
Ye mean Thursday 15/04/05... Not Thursday 14/04/05... ;) /OOC] Title: Re: Negotiations with Kaldorian Officers - 9pm GMT, Thursday 14/04/05 Post by: Coma Black on April 15, 2005, 03:05:44 pm Julius, stop talking before you hurt yourself
Today is Friday the 15th of April 2005 YESTERDAY when this event was, Was THURSDAY the 14th of April 2005 *sighs* Remind me to buy you a calendar Title: Re: Negotiations with Kaldorian Officers - 9pm GMT, Thursday 14/04/05 Post by: Julius Estory on April 15, 2005, 05:15:03 pm *Blinks*
*Checks his worn and ink filled calendar* Bugger... *Grumbles* Who wrote in this beside meh eh..?! |